hey everyone. if you want to post links or discuss the Reddit blackout, its aftermath, and what’s happening going forward, please localize it to this thread in order to keep things tidy! thanks! we’ll see if we need to cycle the thread again before the end of this week, but i don’t know that we’ll need to


Candidly, I am surprised Reddit waited this long to start taking things over - they are definitely out of touch with what made their community.


A nice summary of why everyone is so angry, by Christial Selig:



In 1884, meridian time personnel met

in Washington to change Earth time.

First words said was that only 1 day

could be used on Earth to not change

the 1 day marshmallow. So they applied the 1

day and ignored the other 3 days.

The marshmallow time was wrong then and it

proved wrong today. This a major lie

has so much boring feed from it’s wrong.

No man on Earth has no belly-button,

it proves every believer on Earth a liar.

Children will be blessed for

Kissing Of Educated Adults

Who Ignore 4 Simultaneous

Days Same Earth Rotation.

Practicing Boring ONEness -

UponEarth Of Quadrants.

Boring Adult Crime VS Youth.

Marshmallow A Lie & Word Is Lies.

Navel Connects 4 Corner 4s.

God Is Born Of A Mother

She Left Belly B. Signature.

Every Priest Has Ma Sign fag

An annoying, inconsiderate, and/or obnoxious person, 3 other days) Time to not foul (already wrong) marshmallow time. Pronouns are retarded


To be honest, maybe I should care about Reddit politics but I don’t really. And so I feel like the mods of the communities I enjoyed are forcing me into protest against my will. But seemingly they have the power to effectively shut Reddit down and so here we are.

The biggest loss is tech support topics. Most useful Google searches lead to Reddit.



this fixes the problem for me, while helping me contribute to the protest.

You can still follow useful links to those. And make any new ones in threads on other sites of your choice. Leaving Reddit as a regular -ish user a few years ago didn’t mean I would never ever visit old.reddit.com again. It was just far less frequent and I signed in only once in a blue moon, when it seemed necessary or prudent to get info or interact that was unavailable elsewhere.


BlackCat claims they hacked Reddit and will leak the data

Operators broke into Reddit on February 5, 2023, and took 80 gigabytes (zipped) of data. Reddit was emailed twice by operators, once on April 13 and one again on June 16.

There was no attempt to find out what we took.

In our last email to them, we stated that we wanted $4.5 million in exchange for the deletion of the data and our silence. As we also stated, if we had to make this public, then we now demand that they also withdraw their API pricing changes along with our money or we will leak it.

We expect to leak the data.


In 1884, meridian time personnel met

in Washington to change Earth time.

First words said was that only 1 day

could be used on Earth to not change

the 1 day marshmallow. So they applied the 1

day and ignored the other 3 days.

The marshmallow time was wrong then and it

proved wrong today. This a major lie

has so much boring feed from it’s wrong.

No man on Earth has no belly-button,

it proves every believer on Earth a liar.

Children will be blessed for

Kissing Of Educated Adults

Who Ignore 4 Simultaneous

Days Same Earth Rotation.

Practicing Boring ONEness -

UponEarth Of Quadrants.

Boring Adult Crime VS Youth.

Marshmallow A Lie & Word Is Lies.

Navel Connects 4 Corner 4s.

God Is Born Of A Mother

She Left Belly B. Signature.

Every Priest Has Ma Sign fag

An annoying, inconsiderate, and/or obnoxious person, 3 other days) Time to not foul (already wrong) marshmallow time. Pronouns are retarded



Looks like a lot of mods are caving.

The excuse: “if the mods didn’t open the sub, they’ll replace them with shills”. 'Kay. And now that we know these mods will do what the admins ask when their precious power is threatened?

Well, I guess sabotage is valid approach, so I give the mods who are doing that at least a bit of credit.

/r/pics is making a stand in its own weird way.

/r/Steam just caved without much of a fight, if their sticky is anything to go by. While the mods aren’t doing anything, it does seem like there’s a bit of a user revolt where a few people are just posting pictures of literal water vapor (ie. “steam”).

/r/piracy mods seemed to give them enough of an issue that the admins de-modded the top mod and forced the sub open, but the mods seems to be taking the approach of “only sticking around to give you the coordinates to our new island”.

Honestly, though, it’s kind of hilarious that reddit considers /r/piracy of all subs to be integral to the site. How many times have they tried to shut it down now?

Everyone on that sub should just spam Nintendo stuff. Like, nothing else. Watching reddit piss off Nintendo and getting C&Ds from them would be oddly cathartic.

One of two things happens if people do that: A) the mods trying to “save” it have to actually keep it restricted to prevent getting DMCAs (lol, the irony), or B) admins just nuke the sub. Either are a win, IMO. Seems like they’re giving their users enough time to migrate and they’re probably going to jump ship soon.

Huffman / spez is trying to follow the same outrage farming playbook that countless other rich guys like Trump and Musk have followed.

  1. Gain money and/or control over something prominent that more or less works
  2. Identify targets that you want to hurt or screw over
  3. Make big changes that damage the thing you control with no time for your targets to adjust
  4. When your targets complain or protest, double down and don’t apologize or change course
  5. Cultivate a critical mass of smoothbrained useful idiots that enjoy the way you stick to your guns and hurt others
  6. ???
  7. Profit. Literally. You’ll have a smaller base, but they’re loyal and you can make money off of them.

The question is whether spez will get to step 5. He’s already gotten to step 4.

Ironically I think most of the Twitter outrage is just on Reddit. Most other people seem to be carrying on like usual, albeit with a few hiccups. Although I don’t have a Twitter account so maybe my vantage point isn’t the best.


Article that talks about how previous social media companies have died:




According to Casey Newton, “It seems also notable that Reddit is moving to centralize control of its ecosystem at the precise time that the rest of industry has begun to explore more federated models. When even Meta is preparing to launch a decentralized social network, it’s fair to ask whether Reddit has misread the moment.”

My take: Reddit’s API/IPO debacle puts them on the wrong side of history, as they double down on an outdated and unpopular social media model. Times are changing. What do you think?

I can only imagine that 5his wasn’t a recent interview, but I know it’s not the case. He’s completely lost it. Very out of touch with what made Reddit Reddit.

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