• 39 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


One of the world’s oldest newspapers prints its final edition after 320 years

Strange, neither PWAs have a navigation bar for me. Are you sure your Lemmy.world is a PWA and not just a bookmark or something.

What’s the other Lemmy instance? I’d like to test myself.

First - what’s a bookmarklet? :o

There was a discussion amongst the admins and moderators about a summary bot that was making the rounds a few days ago. It was pretty in your face and even produced some inaccurate information. Though, the reason that it was so disliked was that it encouraged people to not read the source material. In the end the decision was made to ban the bot.

I thought I was about to find out the Tasmanian tiger was back. I got lizard instead. Great news.

What I’m saying is - even though it says “shut down”, it’s not doing a real shut down. Yes, you could fully let the battery run dry. But that takes 12 hours and you can’t do it once a day. Plus it ruins your battery’s capacity.

Existing beyond death seems too exploitative for my liking. But also, what do people think about trademarks and patents.

These days, I don’t think phones even turn off completely. Closing to sleeping. And only a portion of background services will stop and restart.

It would be nice to have a list of these to check on in a year time when they feel less like an alpha version.

Your comment has been posted in the wrong thread as I’m sure you’re aware by now. FWIW, this is a known Lemmy bug.

There isn’t a cutoff in my experience. I’ve met more over 40 gamers that are chill to hang out with then under 25s.

I get you. I have no idea why there’s an ad for lemonade here. Putting that aside, I more posted that link for the spirit of it.

Please do not forget there’s a father and 19 year old son onboard. They, the crew, and everyone else do not deserve to die.

The US and India have already gotten closer in recent years due to the formation of the the Quad alliance. I imagine this is to further strengthen diplomatic ties?

Well Google is gutting ad blockers. So maybe there will be an extremely minor exodus yet.

It’s strange to consider the US system of prices and taxes system from an Australian perspective. In Australia all prices must be displayed inclusive of any applicable taxes.

I was surprised at the number of non- technology themed episodes.

The Good News Effect
I saw a comment this morning lamenting the imbalance of positive and negative news content that we are given. There are scientific studies ([Negativity drives online news consumption](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-023-01538-4)) that show this type of content generates higher engagement. So whether news organisations are aware of their editorial direction or not, the clicks that drive the content they publish push them into this space. I am not suggesting we stop discussing the important serious issues of the day. Though, I will be actively trying to share more positive articles with you all going forward and I encourage you to join me.

You’re right. I’m going to start actively searching out positive stories to post.

Why not save the posts you want to check later. Tap the star button.

Diablo impartial was fun for a few hours before you realised you needed to have a whale sized wallet to actually participate in any real content.

Every religious community organisation that I have had first hand personal experience with has been involved in a myriad of verified claims of abuse Including: sexual, financial, and elder. My confidence in these institutions is now nonexistent. And I find myself misidentifying with them completely. I think I am now de facto apathetically agnostic.

Interesting suggestion of btop. How does it compare to htop?

What? The website looks the same to me?

Any mechanical keyboards communities out there?

Don’t get people started on the use of SMS for 2FA…

If you can get anything close to Apollo, you will be able to get at least a decent paying following, including me.

`Seventy-seven percent of middle-age Americans (35-54 years old) say they want to return to a time before society was “plugged in,” meaning a time before there was widespread internet and cell phone usage. As told by a new Harris Poll (via Fast Company), 63% of younger folks (18-34 years old) were also keen on returning to a pre-plugged-in world, despite that being a world they largely never had a chance to occupy.`

Extract from Dune by Frank Hurbet
``` I remember the salt smoke from a beach fire And shadows under the pines- Solid, clean… fixed- Seagulls perched at the tip of land, White upon green… And a wind comes through the pines To sway the shadows; The seagulls spread their wings, Lift And fill the sky with screeches. And I hear the wind Blowing across the beach, And the surf, And I see that our fire Has scorched the seaweed. ```

Wired - How to Download Your Reddit Data
Plenty of articles on this topic out there but maybe this will help someone.

Keeping Things Whole By Mark Strand
``` In a field I am the absence of field. This is always the case. Wherever I am I am what is missing. When I walk I part the air and always the air moves in to fill the spaces where my body’s been. We all have reasons for moving. I move to keep things whole. ```