After the last experience, very proudly homophobic.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 3M ago
Cake day: Feb 17, 2024


Sorry for not making paragraphs. I never was good at it.

Neural diseases is how we call them in my mother tongue. Idk what they’re called in English. Neuralgia is the closest word I guess. These are not mental disorders nor diseases that affect brain in general. These are things like Tourette syndrome.

Everyone says so but sometimes getting a therapist is impossible or not worth it (like in my case getting a therapist means going to the active war area).

And please just stop paying attention on me. This stupid and perverted world has defeated me already. I’m dead. My physical body (and brain as a part of it) is still alive smh so that’s why I can speak but I lost everything and there’s no “me” anymore. I’m a bit of a psychologist. I see stuff like this.

I consider everyone (except people who are a part of the most traditional paths of one exact religion but that’s besides the point) horrible. Everyone has and does something very wrong that hurts them and others. And the social environment hurts them even more, especially if they try to be different. Just leave me alone and let me die in suffer like all weak, diseased or unadapted organisms in this world. If I’m better, I’ll get a reward or at least save my honor. If there’s nothing except this world and this is what it changed to, I refuse to adapt and survive. This is just pathetic

Revolt has severe management and moderation issues that are not likely to be resolved any time soon. Unless you actively support LGBTQ community, you will have a hard time avoiding bans there. You definitely don’t want your employees to get banned from the system for having certain religious or political views. This is especially an issue for companies that are based in Muslim countries

I’m not afraid of judgment (unless the listener can physically hurt me which fortunately never happened before) but more like annoyed because nobody ever understands. Well the only people I realistically can talk to about my problems are my parents (I won’t talk about it to my distant relatives that I talk to once in a few years lol) but they are much older than me (much more than parents usually are) so they don’t understand me at all. It’s not the problem. For me talking about my problems irl is like walking naked in front of hundreds of people (hopefully this example won’t get me banned). Idk why. Maybe it’s because I’ve never had close friends irl (and in fact I don’t have any friends irl now) or maybe it’s because of my mental diseases. I really don’t know. It’s easier to just cry it out and stay in pain (that I’m so used to I almost enjoy it) when I’m alone and behave normally when someone is here, exhausting myself by not being able to comfortably be alone with my pain. Though it’s not as bad as it seems. I’m used to all of this. I’m used to being alone since like 12 years old when I became homeschooled due to neural diseases. I can even feel kinda happy when I don’t think about my problems and I have something to distract me (like distrohopping or playing video games for hours). And I have people online that can listen to me. Idk what would happen to me if I didn’t have them. The worst situation is when they can’t be here for some reason like me annoying the neural cells out of them or them just being very busy (dw they are not toxic). That is one of the situations when I want to turn my house upside down btw. Even though I’m as introverted as it gets, I can’t be lonely and I’m truly paranoid of losing who I have (that also exhausts me and makes me unable to be myself but that’s a whole new problem). And also I know I can’t even get someone else without incredible luck and a fantasy-level amount of coincidences cuz for me flying an MD-11 is easier than holding a conversation. But even all of this is not even half of the reasons of my pain. In fact idk if it’s humanly possible to explain all of them

I suspected so and tbh idk why I even made the comment. I guess I’m more unstable than usual at the moment

A distro that ships KDE in not a vanilla form and with some pre-installed custom configuration/fixes by default I think. Stuff like Kubuntu, Arco XL, Manjaro KDE etc

Well this is true but again if you use MS apps, you probably should just use Windows

Then what’s the point in collecting such data? It won’t help to fix bugs, add new features or even make useful statistics to show publicly. Only personalized ads is what comes to mind. Yes it seems to be anonymized well enough but still ad companies love such data. Maybe Mozilla wants to implement a custom ads functionality that uses this data or they just want to sell it idk. Still changes in this direction are kinda sus

I’ve never seen any issues with it. People here used MS Office 2007 until like 2019. It should be fine as long as it supports docx and the document doesn’t have complicated scripts (which nobody uses here so can’t tell about them)

I have this weird thing that when I feel really bad I want to destoy as much stuff as possible so someone pays attention on me because I always hide problems and appear happy to everyone around (except mentioning some really scary stuff in conversations). What saved me this time is that I remembered my cat can damage his paws when walking on broken glass. Ik it doesn’t make sense but it is what it is. I’m too scared of talking about my problems irl. I can get a literal heart attack if I try. It’s much easier to start a conversation that way. And if I feel real bad why would I care about consequences? Though this time it felt like something a bit different idk. I don’t have a personality anyways. I’m more than unstable if it makes sense

I don’t remember hearing anything about the Abraunegg’s version so I think GNOME made their own implementation or used another base

I didn’t understand the question. Afaik there is no official OneDrive app for Linux

Not really. Please don’t attempt to distort what I said to start or support a fight. It may result in a kind and fair report.

Another person already answered about the office apps so I won’t mention it. What I know is that the most recent version of GNOME has OneDrive support so Ubuntu 24.04 should have it. Copilot is impossible to get. Also if you use the Microsoft suite, you probably should be running Windows. There’s not that much point in switching to Linux in this case

I also saw someone on YouTube launching Word via wine so I guess it’s also an option

I have a different opinion on this. I think the user should be responsible. If they allow someone to break in, it’s their problem. That means users should have some technical knowledge. There’s nothing wrong with antiviruses and stuff but forcing them isn’t right and can turn into censorship or other unethical restrictions at some point (there already were such cases)

Chromium is pretty good too but usually it’s not recommended to support because nobody wants its engine to become an absolute monopoly and make all major websites in the world broken on any other one. Though nobody wants Firefox’s engine to become an absolute monopoly too so it’s nice that Chromium exists

There are definitely 2 kinds of people commenting this post. The first one who supports telemetry (and Big Tech) and another one that supports freedom and opt-in. This is interesting to see on something like Lemmy. I think the ones who support telemetry are devs and it is a little bit concerning to me

I used this fact a lot in arguments and I agree. What I’m saying is that it could be worse

Why do you need unwilling representing numbers in the first place? Just ask advanced users on the official forum about what they want to see added. You only really need error logs that are absolutely opt-in

Yes but we really should be grateful to have a somewhat mainstream open-source browser with a great ecosystem of extensions and ability to turn off the telemetry. It could’ve been much worse

I’m not a fan of the telemetry being enabled by default but having the option to completely disable it makes it not that bad. Though Mozilla definitely doesn’t need search history data (unless the law enforcements told them to collect it) so this change is kinda sus

Changing the way you write won’t hide your username though

Such apps are not rare. In fact, some of them even make it to Ubuntu’s Snap Store. This is why you should always be careful when downloading something to your system

Last week was horrible. I almost ended up destroying my house. This week is going quite well so far. I’m still stressed as a Poly Bridge lowest budget solution because can’t wait for my first sim racing setup (that I was dreaming about for like 6 years) to arrive but I guess everything else is finally getting better.

Also now it’s kinda cold here where I live and I love it

This reply has nothing to do with my comment tbh

Chill. The OP just asked. If I can’t even ask a question here, it sounds like a communistic dictatorship regime, not like a free and open-source social media platform.

Fragmentation of front-ends. If every dev works on a their own project, the community gets 0 quality ptoducts. If there are less projects but more devs working on them, the community gets multiple quality products. Now choose what is better

This thing is utopian and everything but man is it the best thing I read online in 2024 so far. Permacomputing or bust.

Is xz 5.6.1-3+ still dangerous?
When the xz backdoor was discovered, I quickly uninstalled my Arch based setup with an infected version of the software and switched to a distro that shipped an older version (5.5 or 5.4 or something). I found an article which said that in 5.6.1-3 the backdoor was "fixed" by just not letting the malware part communicating with the vulnerable ssh related stuff and the actual malware is still there? (I didn't understand 80% of the technical terms and abbreviations in it ok?) Like it still sounds kinda dangerous to me, especially since many experts say that we don't know the other ways this malware can use (except for the ssh supply chain) yet. Is it true? Should I stick with the new distro for now or can I absolutely safely switch back and finally say that I use Arch btw again? P. S. I do know that nothing is completely safe. Here I'm asking just about xz and libxzlk or whatever the name of that library is EDIT: 69 upvotes. Nice

how’s your week going, Beehaw
I'm recovering after quite a bad period of my life. Everything else seems surprisingly ok so far. Absolutely nothing out of ordinary happened yet EDIT: nvm the good bad repeat cycle is still there so it's all still the same

Just a public “goodbye letter” (delete when?)
I've been on the Fediverse for like 2 weeks and the system itself was pretty good and even enjoyable. But I can't stand what's being posted recently. It looks like the humanity is just dead. The negative influence is real on here (and I think it's around the same on other social medias) plus I have some personality development issues now that do cause vulnerabilities to that. I don't want to die with this society so I have to go. I will most likely miss some of the places from here and I will miss my username but hey surviving and being able to help people in the future is much more important. Goodbye Lemmy. It was a nice experience EDIT: everyone who made me stay here is to be fought. This place has some good things to it but still there's too much for me to handle. And there is bad stuff too which is not that easy to notice but it does intoxicate me over time. FOSS is good but FOSS community sucks.

Even though different Linux distros are often fairly close in terms of real-life performance and all of them have a clear advantage over Windows in many use cases, we can't reject the fact that Arch Linux has undoubtedly won the competition. And now I'm so glad to have another reason to proudly say "I use Arch btw" ::: It was a joke of course :::