Rich Featured Privacy Focused Mobile OS

I discovered this recently, I think it’s a fork of Lineage? Some stuff they list is already part of Lineage but some seems extra

  • Desktop Mode (is this in Lineage?)
  • Implements Work profiles natively without Shelter
  • Gesture Typing
  • UI for Game Mode API
  • Per App Volume
  • Equalizer
  • Auto Reboot
  • Global VPN (use vpn for both personal and work profiles)
  • Panic Button
  • Native App Lock for any device

Overall this looks really amazing for anyone wanting more security and customization features than Lineage offers.

I’m thinking of switching to it. Can anyone give their experiences with it? Sadly they dont seem to have an in-depth document detailing the differences with Lineage or details of the features that are specific to them

I’d especially enjoy knowing how privacy preserving they are compared to Lineage, connections to google and all that. or if anyone can show me an in-depth review of LMO Droid.


I’m going to guess this one doesn’t allow to relock bootloader after flashing either?

DivestOS is the proper Lineage fork for that


Thanks. I’m stuck with a Nord n200 dre until the end of the month and have it running LineageOS. Unfortunately DivestOS does not have the Dre among the supported devices.

Simon Müller

I won’t properly reply to this, I’m biased cuz a friend of mine works on this 🥴

Global VPN (use vpn for both personal and work profiles)

Alright, this one got me interested.

It actually looks really cool. I ran Lineage for a while and it was great, but I do enjoy projects that don’t fully degoogle as well and give a more “modded” experience

There are dozens of ROMs like that

Simon Müller

That’s just fine.

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