• 13 Posts
Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Aug 15, 2023


What I want to do. But the question is how?

VPS as a proxy… but when I point A record to VPS and AAAA record to server in my home, how would the VPS know which traffic to pass and how.

Make my IPv6 selfhosted service available on IPv4 network.
My ISP provide me with good IPv6 connection with support of opening ports how I like. But IPv4 is behind a CGNAT and makes me unable to host a service on the legacy Internet. Unfortunetely some of my friends I want to host (Jellyfin and Nextcloud) for does not have modern Internet connection, so I have to put some proxy. Now I need suggestions of a solution. VPN on some VPS they would need to connection to is one of them, but it should be as simple for them to use as possible.

I won’t be very original, but first thing that came to my mind is Fight Club.

But actually, it is best to watch the second time, once you know what is happening, but I want to experience this plot twist one more time. If someone didn’t watch it already, please so not spoiler it to yourself.

They might expect you to be available via the phone 24/7 and carry such sensor packed device anywhere.

a work appointed phone

With all the tracking that comes with it.

One thing that could help is showing what is going wrong. Do just the icon does not appear? Do some error show up?

But regardless, I see that Librewolf is not packaged in Debian official software repositories (online storage a software packages are downloaded from), so they ask you to add their own repository manually, which for APT case (package manager in Linux Mint) is an overwhelming amount of code to type to say at least.

You say you are a new user, so I can highly recommend that if something is not officially available through simple apt install to try Flatpak. Official guide: https://flathub.org/setup/Debian, TLDR:

sudo apt install flatpak   # Installs flatpak to your system
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://dl.flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo   # Adds Flathub, the biggest store for flatpaks

Once it’s there:

flatpak install librewolf

Someone using Linux for years might know where stuff on system is placed and not fear not knowing what a command do and how to undo it. But if you don’t know what is happening, better to stick to distribution provided sources. Otherwise the equivalent would be like typing some commands in Windows to change registry keys :). I think Librewolf should recommend Flatpak by default instead.

Sorry if this is too much info, just tried to explain things a little more than usual.

If by working reliably we mean working the same bad way as usual so it has already established multi million dollar industry made of giant patchwork keeping installations alive.

Microsoft cannot even change the look of right click menu without worring something isn’t going to break.

For what I see as a helpdesk guy, most problems that are encountered origin from Windows being Windows, not tech knowleadge of some person. I cannot expect much from system where even installing stuff is stuck at pre 2000 era.

It seems like they are subvolumes. How did you install the system?

When mounting a btrfs without any options root/main directory is containg subvolumes. Meaning that when creating a directory it is being created as subvolume, then in that subvolume there are regular files.

What does the btrfs subvolume list / say?

Also as side note, there is nothing wrong with updating on GUI.

  • Minecraft
  • Factorio
  • Danganronpa
  • Danganronpa UDG
  • Danganronpa 2
  • Danganronpa V3
  • Pokemon: FireRed
  • SuperTuxKart (because best FOSS game ❤️)
  • Pick any two classics from Valve

It’s just more complicated than 0, no privacy or 1 full privacy.

Let’s hold the breath for the first bank or official exchange to support GNU Taler.

Yes. Unless you are a developer about to develop an app or are an organization, don’t touch Twilio.

I use Twilio for some testing and alerting and this is advenced control panel there.

I won’t say it’s “best”, as I just want to run a game without friendlists and other bloat, so I really hate the fact Steam is nessesary for so many games.

But I would call it “essentiall”.

That’s just Bing down with all of it’s puppets rebrands.

High resource usage

That’s Synapse being bad and already having a tech debt. Matrix is surely more expensive to run than other protocols, but not much considering federated nature.

slow syncs

Being worked on with syncv3. New sync is crazy fast.

About encryption, it is also being worked on heavly.

The one bad thing I can say about Matrix is just how much is being “work in progress”. But I would choose a protocol that is going to do my checklist than others that would never do.

I can confirm I also get this. What a shitty site.

System76 (a laptop maker “rebrander”) is making their own desktop. Can’t think why ASUS, Lenovo or Dell could not contribute to some desktop or maintain their version.

Windows and MacOS are products. Linux is a technology and common human knowleadge.

It’s not x86 vs ARM problem. But rather vendor problem, how AMD/Intel upstream their Linux support while other do not.

No? Linux – all the benefits why we want Linux = Android.

Try and run Android on your PC for a week and tell me how it went.

Bad examples. Just running some program is not an argument. Even Windows can run most Linux programs in WSL, but does not mean it’s Linux.

The last player (or server) still can choose a result, because it knows other tosses before making it’s own.

If they could provide EU number I would definetly become a costumer!

No, because with remote desktop (GUI or terminal) I would clearly see if something other than my instructions is being done. I would see someone else typing or moving stuff around. With SSH malware on the client device can open second session/tty and do things there or simply write a command very fast and click enter before I can react.

Software for remote desktop with phone confirmation to use on untrusted machines
Problem: I want to remotely access my computer from untrusted computers like on friends house or at work. Looking for: Remote desktop software (SSH is out of scope, as it could do commands in the background). Client should work in the browser or have portable binaries. Server should send some soft of 2FA before every connection without a way to remember it, so I could be safe in a case of a keylogger snooping on connection password. Not nessesary, but would be nice to have some sort of rate limiting for the inputs, so it won't be possible for some rubber-ducky style script to open terminal and run command before I could react.

as frustrating

I do not know Windows administration at all. So half of my frustration is definetly by the lack of knowledge.

But I also am scratching my head about so many things that are not clear.\

  1. Let’s say you need to manage ~10 workstations with dozens of programs and tools installed and keep them up-to-date, what tools Windows have build in for that?\
  2. An update broke. On Linux there are wikis explaining exactly what command like “dnf update” do, what files are replaced and I can check logs. On Windows all I know is that update go to some % and rollback, how can I know more?

How being FOSS fan/advocate annoy you at work/school?
Started my first job, it's a helpdesk. It looks that I get tickets and try to help people on the other side, have build some PCs and am at first week. But after ~3 years of using almost exclusive FOSS, I found out corporate software (especially Windows!) to be so absolutely unbearable. Having Windows as example, on the surface it is bearable, but as I need to do more advanced stuff, oh GOD!\ I needed iperf3 to test LAN speed, traceroute to test why some device is not responding, rsync to copy files... But none of it is installed and installing every single program is super annoying and troublesome. After that I get countless update popups from all sides, ugh.

You can sync their data folders with Syncthing. This is a program that let’s you sync folders on two computers in the background.

But you don’t want to run Akregaotr on both of them at the same time to avoid conflicts, because it is not adopted to be synced. If want program that is made for sync you propably need to selfhost FreshRSS or similar.

I have Raspberry Pi 4B set up as TV box and for my own media like Kodi or Jellyfin, barely handles 4K but works. And I like how I can sync files or remote control seamlessly because it’s standard Linux not Android.

For mainstream streaming I really discourage form even trying, it’s a mess. If you plan to run any type of DRM media you already are on the lost position and might as well buy cheap Android TV stick for ~30$, because there would be no freedom gain with RPi, just big annoyence.

Linux for own media.
Android for renting.
Raspberry Pi for Linux.
Cheap TV stick/box for Android.

So what I understand uBlue is not to Fedora Atomic as Nobara is to Fedora?

Like, I can install Silverblue and get anything with rpm-ostree, but that is an overlay on the tree (like a git patch) instead of simple changing the files like on regular distro. Because of that swapping base of the tree to new or different version take computing time, so people are free to build custom base to their needs for convenience. And uBlue is a system to build those images easly. Do it get it right? 😅

image for every DE/wm

Coming from traditional distro (Arch to be specific) I just install it without DE or uninstall the existing one and install the other. Graphical environments are just programs just like any other.
So those images are just a convenience thing? Like Fedora has spins that preinstall desktops to have them out-of-the-box?
How those distro are displayed in (neo)fetch like programs, are they just Fedora or their own thing?

Can someone explain Universal Blue (and images based on it) to me?
I think I get the idea of Fedora Atomic (Silverblue, Kionite, etc.), but I do not get what uBlue is about. Are those just another "ooh it's distro X but with preinstalled Y" or are those some soft of overlays on top of Fedora? Can't they just be some install scripts? Why not just base Fedora Silverblue? Maybe I don't get the idea, because people seem hyped.

What was the Fosbury flop of music?
When athletic height jumping was considered done and perfected, there was the Fosbury flop which opened new possibilities. Do you think there was such a moment in the music history? When someone showed how things can be done and from there everyone is using his/her technique?

Launch of NGI Taler: A Privacy-Preserving Payment System Initiative
GNU Taler (Taxable Anonymous Libre Electronic Resources) is a new secure electronic payment system based on open standards, free software, and advanced cryptography. GNU Taler provides privacy guarantees to the buyer while offering the possibility to audit merchants, making sale incomes transparent and fraud difficult. To online merchants and retailers, GNU Taler offers instant transaction clearance without risks of fake payment methods. Computations needed to clear the payments are efficient and scalable so that banks can pass on lower transaction costs to consumers and merchants.

Any domain registrar/hosting provider that does not require propietary software to run?
I gone through a lot of hosting service providers and unfortunetly cannot find a single one that can be used without running nonfree programs, all of them require loading bulky obfuscated JavaScript apps. I know of Codeberg Pages for static sites for example, but it is not suitable for any business or professional use.