bog creature

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 12, 2023


Naughty mushrooms doing theirs again, they are so good. I got remembered I never was the uninspired believer in a mechanical world I had become, and turned back to animist knower - a lot of what you write resonates very much with me! Congrats to getting out of the rat race, faraway friend. Cautious as well with the little prankstershrooms. Remember grounding inbetween flights. So many people are getting out - once we get together we will be unstoppable!

Society is collapsing as we speak and my best case scenario is this one because I do whatever i can to create a soft landing spot for me and my local community.

Yes, and also closeness changes with time. It has been like this in my family. I’ve felt more close to one or the other of my parents over the years depending on what I was doing but I don’t remember having a problem with it. That said, my parents made sure to treat us both equally as kids, and if they felt closer to one of us they didn’t let it show.

Do your friends have a website? I’m always curious to find good ideas to steal for other communities!

Haha insane, I swear this popped into my head out of nowhere yesterday.

Well not entirely nowhere, but I work with plant dyes. So far I’ve only dyed wool, but I suddenly had the idea to create some T-shirt printing process with what grows around here. A dye bath and ink are rather different things though, so I’d be curious for ideas how to turn plant pigment into ink, or where to look?

I’ve never even seen normal silkscreen printing done, but vaguely understand the idea. I’d try different fabrics stapled to a wooden frame as sieve, and maybe use wax to cover the non-print areas?

For a non natural method - could 3D printing be interesting for making sieves?

And what is an emulsion?

c/iamverysmart c/iamaclosetfascist

It’s great to be able to run a server with functioning stuff on it when one doesn’t know anything about servers. Anything else around self-hosting would have been too much of an intimidating learning curve for me, but in the meantime I’ve picked up a lot of knowledge and terminology just by running the YH. It’s like training wheels, it’s great if you know a bit of tech stuff, but not enough.

I think it will last me a while before I outgrow it, don’t have enough time to really sit down and study server administration to the point where I feel safe to not fuck it up. I’ll let you know 😅

Are they anti-container or just anti-Docker, I wonder?

Just before your post about Karrot I finally (re-)installed Agora on Yunohost as a collaboration suite. First few users onboarded and praying it works. It’s a bit ugly but does the job. Karrot looks to be more map-focused than Agora from a very fleeting look, I don’t think I’ve seen it in the Yunohost catalogue.

Comparison: Coop Cloud, Yunohost, similar platforms
If you have tried several self-hosting platforms like the above, please share your experience. I have so far only tried Yunohost and I'm quite satisfied. It does help to read French, sometimes solutions can be hidden in French forum topics. Coop Cloud seems to be docker-based, as far as I understand, and I just never managed to wrap my head around containers and why I should use them. Not sure though if Yunohost does container stuff in the background that I am not aware of? I've just started to use my Yunohost installation for some small scale collaborative stuff so I really hope it scales (to probably not more than 100 users) and keeps running smoothly. Starting to host common stuff is a little more scary than just fucking up my own private files.

Is this a self-hostable platform? I just see a signup option.

Ever since I’ve accepted that dystopia is already here, and there’s nothing to avoid it, but we can do everything in our power to create something better. I’m not as afraid, I’m not feeling as powerless as I used to. I’ve learned to seek good council, that helps. Got over wanting to feel or appear important and now rather want to do important work.

How? Got divorced from someone who could not handle their anxiety well, also my child grew up to spend more time with their friends, and so all I was used to disappeared. I had time and opportunity (or was forced) to re-evaluate my life choices - because the unhealthy imbalance in my former relationship mirrored the unsettling imbalance of the world in crisis in some eerie way. It was as if I was shown the workings of abuse and then forced to apply my learning onto the world and my position in it. I went through months of doubt and confusion. With support of my wonderful bf who I met on the way I managed to come out a better and more happy person on the other side, it was a very wild ride.

This or similar seems to have happened to a lot of people recently.

Nobody, I think this is an insane question.

So many different people had small impacts on humanity, most of it somewhat regional. Most of the heroes I could think of in Western countries will have had a very limited impact on Eastern history, and vice versa. Also, I am very sure nobody had only positive impact.

Another problem: not everybody will rate a certain impact equally as positive.

I’d suggest to remove focus and attention from god- or hero-like figures and shift it towards improvements won by community action.

Thanks a lot for sharing this. I’ll keep it bookmarked for later reference, looks very cool!

Interesting writeup, thanks for sharing! Friendica seems … friendly and reassuringly boring, I did a test install and will have a look at the details in the next days.

Community server for a local community
Preference of community hosting instead of self hosting has recently come up in a permacomputing chat, and in this sense I am trying to set up a tiny yunohost server that can serve my local alternative community - a series of mostly rural living people spread throughout the landscape around a small towns. I want to support local barter and trade, local tool sharing and connections between people. I am trying to feel my way towards what functions could be useful for a mostly non-tech community, and what is out there to self-host? And what is especially useful and makes sense for local communities? Event calendar, small ads and some sort of map functions come to mind, what else? I guess a lot of what Facebook does. As I don't see myself in the position to replace Facebook anytime soon but would like to pave the way towards having Facebook and the like replaced by many small scale solutions like the server I am building, I would like the server to have other useful stuff. Currently using CryptPad for collaborative editing, got a SearXNG instance and a digital book shelf with stuff related to gardening, foraging, homesteading, renewables, but none of this is really local. Maybe offering people a small portfolio website where they can put their offerings, skills? I currently have an Epicyon instance installed that does all of this, it has skill sharing, item sharing, even a calendar, and I really like what it does - but I'm afraid it might be a little tough on the non-tech users. Please dump your suggestions and ideas about what could live on such a server. As I am still a baby admin I'm not too far in to notice that people's eyes glaze over when I mention things like 'server' or 'search engine'. Trying to keep it intuitive enough for a big enough group might be a challenge, especially when keeping it all clean and FOSS. Probably needs to work really well on mobile phone as well.

I know nothing about how an international union could work - need some smart people to help.

I have been thinking about the possibility of an international screen workers’ union. My own job is in translating, but there’s millions of people doing data entry, AI-related stuff, graphic design, devloping etc. on a kind of semi-freelancing basis, often via job platforms that keep part of our earnings. I’ve often thought a union to bring all this workforce together would be great.

I was leftie before I was techie. If you don’t know anything around tech and computers you wouldn’t know what to do. Even as a fairly tech-adjacent professional it took me quite a while.

Then again, I only became a real leftie again after kicking all the corpos out of my computer.

Tech used to be (and still is) obscured by heavy gatekeeping. We who understand a little more like to joke about those who don’t, and I guess we’ll have to stop that if we really want to unite the left. Don’t ridicule, explain. The person might never have had a chance to learn the concept.

Advice around setting up two laptops, one as server
So I have two laptops. Both run Linux Mint. I need Laptop 1 to work with. Laptop 2 is an unrepairable POS that starts having a little trouble with keyboard and hinges but works nicely otherwise and has a nice large 1TB disc and a GPU. I want to bury L2 in a shelf(*) and save videos and music on it to access from L1. I would also like to play with Stable Diffusion on L2, accessing it from L1. Can I do that? *Edit: At some point I want to have my website served from L2 as well but I guess that can be a future project.* (*) Bonus points for ideas about how to have L2 do other useful things when I don't use it and install it as grow tent heating instead of just have it sit in a corner.

Yunohost frustrations of the beginner self hoster
I have started setting up a server with three domains and three users using Yunohost, but I find it hard to get to work. The documentation can be frustrating to go through and the community on the forum answers slowly or not at all (because due to the sparse documentation questions from beginners like me tend to touch similar topics I guess). A big part of the forum answers are in French, which I don't read very well. All in all I have been trying very hard to like the project. The work done by the developers really deserves all my respect and I would love to remain involved, but trying to get Yunohost to work as a non-techie leaves me often desperate and looking for alternatives with a more active community or a more thorough documentation. I'm a bit divided here. I like the project but I'm a half-techie stoopid who needs more support. What do? And what would be my alternatives on a Linux VPS? Especially if I don't want proprietary stuff?