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Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Jun 27, 2020


The idiots who never bothered to learn more than the man’s name think “big company killed whistleblower” are showing just how little they understand things

And you have supernatural powers to understand all things? Don’t act like you’ve got it all figured out, big guy.

It’s downloading an app off of an app store and turning it on. Stop trying to force your narrow perspective onto everyone else.

People who are subject to censorship, in time find a workaround. Downloading a VPN app with a big green button to turn it on is not rocket science.

There are probably lots of VPN companies targetting “tiktok” as a keyword to advertise and increase their user base. So they come up first on appstores and search results.

Now, go ahead and call people searching google is not average tiktok user.

But where that data goes after you turn the VPN on, is a different topic on its own. Maybe China itself is running a whole lot of VPN networks from shell companies.

China’s use of opensource isn’t exactly in the spirit of open-source though, is it?

As an example, most companies in China don’t even release the linux kernel source code after they modify it, as they are required by GPL.

So they’re building mega-corps on the back of opensource, just like the western counterparts. That’s capitalism 101.

The security issue was found in a development build, not a production release. There were no users to benefit from the CVE, because none were affected. If there were exceptions that were using development builds, it on them.

“I paid for my internet connection, so everything I find on it should be free and come with support and modifications I request.”

How is it missleading,when it doesnt claim they are latest gen chips? It’s still a chip no matter how you spin it.

Google values its $1.2 billion contract with the genocidal Israeli government and military more than its own workers

umm, of course? Google is evil, when it comes to making money. They’re an US company after all and US is no stranger to killing innocents for profit.

The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.

I just scraped your profile and used it for training my commercial AI product. sue me b.

Writing also need vast amount research, which also involves a search engine, which at some point in time you begin to get fed up with spam, and maybe just may be, if you’re actually smart as people think you are, you begin to look for an alternative.

but I also don’t know what to tell people who believe everything they read on the internet.

Exactly, We don’t know what he does all day and it’s creepy you have this weird imagination going through. Like seriously? He probably could be checking the balance that kagi sent him for this post.

Why are people so obsessed with internet personalities just because they say “nice” things you like? This is what every one of them does.

Everyone and their grandmother is writing/blogging about this attack by paraphrasing all the same information.

Need for Clicks 101

My work involves juggling up to 50 different accounts each for a hand full of websites, so containers allow me to quickly swap between accounts signed into the same page.

So like astroturfing?

“but but but it was never the plan, we’re just going to change goal posts now to seem like a little pissed off baby. In the end we won.”

The indian brigade on reddit is wild. If their lies aren’t picked up by others, anything that props up India is flooded to the top and any criticism is considered racism.

One of the benefits of overpopulation on the internet.

Good god, thanks for coming out and telling us how you really feel.

A video platform that you and every other person can stop using any moment is worse than thousands of innocent people dying at the hands of a genocidal army.

You, my dude are genuinely horrifying

Linux was not a serious project and a random hobby toy things.

Hello everybody out there using minix -

I’m doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won’t be big andprofessional like gnu) for 386(486) AT clones. This has been brewing since april, and is starting to get ready. I’d like any feedback on things people like/dislike in minix, as my OS resembles it somewhat (same physical layout of the file-system (due to practical reasons) among other things).

Try to be less condescending less time about other people’s work.

They didn’t but open source enthusiasts hate it when developers even try to imply not wanting their contributions used without attribution, it’s basically killing puppies in this community.

They’ll only ever use it to make money themselves without anything in return just like the corporations who do the same but then they’ll call themselves morally principled for reasons.

que a moron trying to explain why opensource developers should bend to their will about what “opensource” should be for them.

Still going to use the heck out if it. It’s super useful in my workflow and firefox at heart. I want to be more productive, not poorductive on some weird purist idealism.

That tired but always working deflection. Let me get a little creative. I’m pretty sure it’s underground blind mole rats this time.

theys r comin 4r us, I’m telling ya, mark my wurds. ya’ll bein minefukd while yous wer sleepin

How’s my russian? did I do it right?

This. Everything wrong in US is some bot army peddling propaganda at labor camps. Might even add the Atlantians to the list of foreign influencers before claiming US has more than a significant amount of fascists, racists, xenophobic assholes that already elected criminal as a president, and others war criminals without a shred of repercussions.

but whatever makes you sleep better at night.

Because most opensource enthusiasts cry foul on the internet, want everything open-source, free and privacy centric but never contribute anything of value.

Did the author start a matrix instance yet? No?

Yes, not much has changed.

please list all your personal foss projects and discussion forums you’ve set up for them please. I would like to join them all.

Lemmy instance admin snooping at votes
So I was going through /all and this admin is snooping at vote counts for posts in his instance and then posting it publicly. Just a reminder that these kind of petty people exist. Pick a trustworthy instance or better yet, host your own. Archive: https://archive.md/oybyL

pull requests would work a lot better than blog posts.

USA does bad things

Some people make memes about it

People in the USA:

Let’s make our country accountable for bad thing it does

What’s happening? My fee fees are hurt.

Or the most popular:

We don’t even think about your country

Then they call others snowflakes. ㄟ(ツ)ㄏ

Aren’t you folks supposed to be all for “freedom of expression” or something. Oh right… that’s only when youre the one spewing the bullshit.