• 6 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


buying the domain about us makes a good business idea, so basically you make subpages unaccesable from the landing page for other companies to have things about the company. go ahead use this business idea

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.zip/post/14099080 > Grindr sued for allegedly revealing users' HIV status > > > The LGBTQ+ dating app is being sued in a class action lawsuit over allegedly misusing users' data.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.blahaj.zone/post/11254936 > Finding an apartment may be easier for California pet owners under new legislation >

Can anyone list dell ones that don’t, im to lazy to read

edit: theres none, anyone know in general dell ones that don’t?

i use qksms because i failed at getting /e/ os messages app and saw that it was forked from that

im searching for a case i remember hearing in a sponsorship, can anyone help me
they were like normal cases except at the corners where they had extra protection kinda like these https://www.amazon.se/-/en/Nokia-M1E00VA-Black-Carbon-Design/dp/B073Q2P2SF https://www.amazon.com/Protection-Protective-Detachable-Anti-dirt-Resistant/dp/B01ANDSHQC i don't think casetify made them

do you use paid tv or over the air tv?
personally in Estonia you've gotta pay for tv mostly