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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


The word “yacht” is misleading. It was a 15 meter charter sailboat, of the type Sun Odyssey 519. If you are looking for rich fucks to make fun of, you won’t find them on these kind of boats.

If you get on a Hexbear’s bad side, first they hit you with this, immediately followed by this (NSFW). That should tell you enough about what kind of people frequent hexbear.

I know that it is a can of worms politically, but now the man the whole world owes the wake-up call that were his leaks to, is forced to live under Putin.

It really is a shame how spineless european politicians are, to not give Edward Snowden protection in europe. I bet a whole bunch of politicians are happy that he faded out of the collective mind, so they don’t have defend their indefensible standpoint of not giving Snowden amnesty.

It also sucks that there is no recourse against politicians that are clearly biased in their decisionmaking.

I much prefer uMatrix over NoScript, it is way more intuitive. And even though uMatrix is no longer updated, it still works better than NoScript for me. My Firefox Android has gotten soft-locked by NoScript in regular intervals. Since they enabled uMatrix for Firefox Android again, I have had no such issues.

It has to be noted that this applies to US citizens. For EU citizens the arbitration rules do not apply (that at least is how I read the ToS). Instead, they get an EU body that handles disputes:

If you reside in the European Union, you may also be entitled to submit your complaint to the European Commission’s Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Platform or the Out-of-Court Dispute Settlement (“OCDS”) mechanism under DSA Article 21.

I think that is the biggest issue with Mastodon and federation in general: Limited discoverability. I’ve spoken to a few artists that still post on Twitter. They won’t join Mastodon, because it is so hard to develop consistent reach.

The goal of the Democrats in the US has been to send much more aid much sooner than the Republicans. It’s the Republicans that want to see Ukraine fail and who are dragging out this stalemate.

Why don’t you wish for unicorns while you’re at it? That’s about as likely to happen as Israel, after all this time, suddenly deciding to pull back from Gaza.

Where did I say that the US are the good guys? My point is that this resolution was brought in by the ‘bad’ guys and held a significant step towards the ‘good’ guys side. But Russia and China proved with their veto that they are not interested in getting help to Gazans, they are more interested in continuing the status quo, so that the US is further humiliated.

People that died in torture chambers, in civilan houses that got hit by rockets, people that have been deported or incarcerated because they have been deemed to be opposedto russian occupation.
Just onesuch example is written about here: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/22/a-murdered-writer-his-secret-diary-of-the-invasion-of-ukraine-and-the-war-crimes-investigator-determined-to-find-it

Wrong. Russia and China are the ones aiding in a genocide with that veto. They want Israel to continue to slaughter Gazans, because it will reflect negatively on the US in the public eye. As if Russia and China would really care about brown muslims getting massacred. The US-backed resolution would’ve brought aid and charted a path to a ceasefire. It’s not the ideal resolution, but in politics you will never get to ideal. You take what you can get and work from there. But I’m well aware that your primary motivation is dunking on the US as well, so you’ll fit right in with Russia and China.

US could literally tell Israel to open the border and let aid in any time.

But they won’t. End of story. What are you going to do about it? Get all the help for the people currently suffering that you can get, or stomp your foot while Gazans starve? I know what you’ve chosen.

Those terrorist twinks, man. We gotta stop them. /s

Putin continues to build up ‘western degeneracy’ as the national threat that justifies his attempted land-grab in Ukraine.

Ah yes, let’s classify calling for aid deliveries to the people of Gaza ‘not helping’, because not all demands are met. Fuck those starving people, we want all of our points met.

It calls for a ceasefire if Israeli hostages are released and for immediate aid to the people of Gaza. If the US starts off at A, support Israel unconditionally, and you start of at B, ceasefire now, and the US gets slowly pressured your way until ultimately, the US enters a resolution that is much closer to B than to A, you don’t stomp your foot and say ‘that’s not B!’ and reject it, if you really care about civilians in Gaza, who are starving right now, only in the hopes that in a few months time, the US might’ve fully moved over to B. When Israel has already invaded Rafah and many Gazans have starved.

Don’t mind me, just leaving this UN news report on the vetoed resolution here: https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147856

The US-led draft, which took weeks to reach a vote, stated the “imperative” for “an immediate and sustained ceasefire to protect civilians on all sides”, facilitating “essential” aid delivery and supporting ongoing talks between Israel and Hamas militants to create a sustainable end to the hostilities, tied to the release of hostages.

The vetoed draft would have made imperative an immediate and sustained ceasefire in Gaza, with an “urgent need to expand the flow of humanitarian assistance” to all civilians and lifting “all barriers” to delivering aid

How exactly would’ve this bill ‘not helped in any way’?

So in case you are wondering if Russia and China were caring about the people in Gaza, this vote shows that they are clearly not. They’d rather take this opportunity that would see the US taking the most confrontantional stance against Israel since the start of the invasion into Gaza, to dunk on the US.

Then that’l require more fighting. I however doubt that the constitution of most countries place huge blocks on giving people more freedom.

Then the constitution that would prohibit trans rights would need to be changed first. If politicians want to remove the constitutional right to privacy in order to allow spying on your own constituents, then go ahead and own the fact that you want to undermine the right to privacy. Don’t hide behind “oh, this will totally not affect law-abiding citizens”.

I have said it before and I’ll say it again: Politicians that push for legislation that has previously been ruled as unconstitutional should be charged for willfully trying to literally break the law.

Brother nations sticking together to oppress the common folk. Brings a tear to my eye.

Honest question: What for? I have never encountered a site that was truly broken on Firefox.

I wonder what Prigozhin is seeing that we don’t see. If reports are to be believed, 25k Wagner troops participate in this armed “peaceful march”. That must be way short of the manpower the russian army has at its disposal. It also controls most weapons. As far as I know, Wagner doesn’t an air force, air defense or strategic deterrence.

Yet, Prigizhin has been the one public figure head, that has analyzed the tactical situation the most realisticly. So,if we assume that he is level headed, what makes him think his numbers are enough to go against Shoigu? Does he expect the latter to fold? Or does he see the russian army as incapable of defending the country from yet another threat?

One side has some units wearing Nazi iconography. The other side has state sanctioned torture, killings and deportations (and also Nazi iconography). Your comparison is a textbook example of false equivalence.

I also hope that western nations will welcome russian people that do not wish to fight (as long as they behave that is). Not only will it send the signal that the west is not against russia itself, only against the regime, it will also rob russia of manpower.

If you want to flee conscription, I support that. But likewise, Ukraine has the right to defend its sovereignty. As of now, most of Ukraine’s conscripts have been volunteers and, opposed to russian conscripts, they receive training in the very most cases.

And to hammer that point home, just like involuntarilly conscripted soldiers, the people in Bucha, the people in Kherson and the people in Mariupol did not choose to take part in this war. Whenever russia retreats, stories of torture, killings and abductions emerge. Leaving those people to suffer under russia is as inhumane as it gets. Not to mention, all the (war)crimes committed on russian occupied territory will never even have the chance of getting investigated if russia is allowed to hide them.

Also, while the morale of russian front-line soldiers is shit, their artillery in combination with minefields are responsible for most Ukrainian losses.

That may have been the case in meme-circles, but anyone looking at the war objectively knew it was going to be slower. The Kharkiv counteroffensive only was so brutally effective, because the russian defensive lines were so weak and they didn’t have any secodary defensive lines to fall back on. Meaning that once the defense was breached, Ukrainian Humvees could just keep driving and pursiung fleeing russians.

Kherson had a better defense setup, but with the bridges over the Dnipro cut, russia couldn’t supply them.

Now, russia had time to create layered defensives and their logistics are harder to cut. The push towards the south is the most difficult offensive Ukraine has undertaken so far, so it’s only logical for it to take the longest.

There is also a difference in tactics: While russia employs zerg rushes of convicts and mobilized into fortified Ukrainian positions, Ukraine tries to achieve local supperiorities of firepower and taking russian positions into pockets. That lowers your own casualties, but makes offensive operations more difficult.

Ah, yes. Deescalate with Putin. Because he has shown himself to be such a reasonable man. If Ukraine stops fighting, Ukraine stops existing. If Russia stops fighting, the war will be over.

As someone who has just enough knowledge to know how big the task of creating a performant way to propagate updates through the federation is, I really hope there are some smart people working on a solution. That is the biggest advantage reddit has over lemmy: Known and centralized hardware standards. Lemmy needs to find a way to make propagation work when half of all instances are hosted at home on consumer-grade hardware.