Andromxda 🇺🇦🇵🇸🇹🇼
  • 3 Posts
Joined 2M ago
Cake day: Mar 22, 2024


Stay away from proprietary crap like Discord, Slack, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. There are enough FOSS alternatives out there:

  • You just want to message a friend/family member?
  • You need strong privacy/security/anonymity?
    • SimpleX
    • Session
    • Briar
    • I can’t really tell you which one is the best, since I never used any of these (except for Session) for an extended period of time. Briar seems to be the best for anonymity, because it routes everything through the Tor network. SimpleX allows you to host your own node, which is pretty cool.
  • You want to host an online chatroom/community?
  • You need to message your team at work?
  • You want a Zoom alternative?

I’m very happy with Syncthing, you can configure how you want the sync to work (e.g. one-way sync, two-way sync, etc.), the web GUI is pretty good and it’s not that hard to set up. I got the idea from this video back when I initially set up my seedbox, have been using this solution ever since and encountered any issues.

Sounds good, I would be interested as I’m currently playing around with Nix myself

Not libadwaita, but GNOME. GNOME apps are meant to be simple, and only do one single thing.

The best apps do one thing and do it well.

Resist the pull to try and make an app that suits all people in all situations. Focus on one situation, one type of experience.

It’s also a bad idea if you want to build anything that’s more complex than GNOME’s single-purpose apps that lack all kinds of features. Building something as complex as a DAW would be a nightmare with libadwaita.

Libadwaita has been specifically designed for simple GNOME-style applications that only have one purpose and don’t include many features. I wouldn’t recommend it for complex project like a DAW.

It’s not packaged for Fedora, as simple as that.

Unfortunately there’s no Flatpak either. You can try asking in the Matrix channel:

Bad idea. Very bad idea, especially for more complex projects.

Maybe a Linux-native Lemmy app? Or a client for Mastodon? Pixelfed, PeerTube?

Or a GUI for the Rust-based rescrobbled project?

It’s kinda a worse version of VanillaOS and blendOS, right?

I can’t make the background transparent despite selecting the transparent option.

This might happen because of your theme, what Plasma theme do you use? Try the default Breeze theme to see if it fixes the issue.

But find is sloooow. fd is so much faster, because it’s written in Rust and optimized for performance.

Oh yeah I know about tldr. It’s pretty great. I actually use a Rust version of it called teeldeer. I also have a whole lot of “disputable” aliases, for example rtfm for tldr and rtfmp (read the fucking man page) for man. I also use fucking for sudo. There’s nothing better than running pacman -Syu, realizing the mistake and then typing in fucking pacman -Syu

I also the normal Plasma panel, don’t have any issues with it. They added quite a few Latte Dock features to the normal panel. Your desktop looks great btw!

I know that, but it uses some weird Markdown implementation where new lines aren’t actually new lines for some reason. GitHub Markdown doesn’t have this issue.

I just think that these new, fancy applications are more user-friendly, because they are often easier to use, are faster and often have things like colored output. Sure, the GNU coreutils are old and reliable, and can be found on almost every system, making them great for scripts, but for normal, interactive CLI usage I prefer the modern alternatives.

Aurora has a Developer Edition, it’s a great system in general. It’s based on Universal Blue, which is built on top of Fedora Atomic, giving you a very stable and reliable experience. It features the KDE Plasma desktop environment, but you can go with Bluefin, which is basically the exact same thing using GNOME.

It’s not longer maintained by the original developer, but apparently the KDE project picked it up and it should still work, just like it did before

It was actually the other way around for me. First I learned about Linux, started watching DistroTube, then got YouTube recommendations for Mental Outlaw videos, got more advanced in Linux and then learned about digital privacy and security.

Yeah for some reason lemmy just discards any formatting (including line breaks) when parsing website content. But I think that’s because Lemmy has a very weird way of dealing with line breaks in general.

I recommend a Fedora Atomic distro like Silverblue or Kinoite, or Universal Blue, which is based on Fedora Atomic. It offers 3 images: Bazzite (made specifically for Gaming), Aurora (featuring KDE Plasma) and Bluefin which uses GNOME.

I can’t find anything similar to Latte-Dock

Why do you need something similar to Latte Dock? Why can’t you just use Latte dock?

Apps: I’m looking for alternatives to ShareX, Fan controller, Flow launcher any other helpful tool similar to them.

FlameShot is a great alternative for ShareX, I don’t really know about Fan controller, but KDE has a built-in replacement for Flow launcher called KRunner. By default, you should be able to launch it with Alt + Space. If not, check the Keyboard shortcut page in the system settings.

Maybe check out this thread:

I also recommend subscribing to The Linux Experiment, LearnLinuxTV and DistroTube on YouTube. Mental Outlaw also has some good Linux videos. You can also check out The Linux Cast. Chris Titus Tech also has some Linux videos, but you have to go a few years back for beginner-friendly guides. Zaney also makes great Linux videos, but it’s mostly advanced stuff.

This comment is awesome! Just want to add some things.

There are some better alternatives for the commands you listed. For example fd for find and ripgrep for grep.

There’s a command line alternative for QDirStat called ncdu (, as well as a (in my opinion) better graphical application called Filelight.

Or just use doas, it’s still more secure than sudo

The framebuffer is basically just VRAM, corruption of it is likely when experiencing graphics glitches.

It’s very different from Windows, and thus harder to learn for new users. Linux Mint (which uses Cinnamon) is basically made for Windows users, it has a more familiar interface and is easier to learn how to use. My personal favorite is KDE, it is also quite similar to Windows but allows for unlimited user customization. It follows the concept “Simple by default, powerful when needed”, which in my opinion is a good representation of the entire Linux ecosystem. Pop!_OS is not the stock GNOME experience, in fact, it’s quite different. It adds some functionality and changes how GNOME works. It’s better than normal GNOME, but not perfect.

Lemmy community discovery isn’t great, I like to use to search for communities across all instances

Bluefin makes it easy to get a stable and reliable GNOME experience while offering a special image for Surface devices.

UBlue-based distros like Aurora and Bluefin make it easy to get the Surface kernel.

Bluefin is based on uBlue, which is based on Fedora Silverblue. It’s really cool because there’s a special version of it that’s optimized for the Surface.

uBlue-based distros like Aurora or Bluefin are genuinely good and recommended for Surface users because they offer a special Surface-optimized image.

Aurora offers a special version for Microsoft Surface devices. Just select Surface in the download section.

And Microsoft really sucks at naming things. Windows 10 wasn’t the 10th Windows version, the Xbox One wasn’t the first Xbox, there are many more examples.

You Have Power: Making Truth Social Comply With The AGPL
cross-posted from: > > Defending Mastodon from Donald Trump's social media

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