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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


It could be how you’re searching - I always pull the full link (https://lemmy.robotra.sh/c/springfieldil) and put that in the search. It looks like you should be able to do the same, as I was able to reach the community this way.

I would try to remember that we are in fact trying to form a safe space here which does include a number of cis men. I don’t want to invalidate your experiences at all, because some people are shitty people and as humans we tend to notice patterns, but your initial comment was rather callous toward people who haven’t done anything wrong.

That said, I appreciate this elaboration and clarification of your intent. When it’s always the same kind of people knocking you down, it can be hard not to make an immediate judgment of someone who has similar qualities and I can understand where you’re coming from even if I don’t agree. If every cat I ever met scratched me, the friendliest cat in the world is going to be viewed with suspicion. Just please try to remember that generalizations like that aren’t really nice to those they are directed at.

The only instances affected are lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works. The defederation from them means we can’t access them and they can’t access us. Other instances are still able to be accessed.

Not quite - this means Beehaw can no longer access lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works, and they can no longer access beehaw. It goes both ways.

Let’s contain reddit/spez memes within the megathread please. This isn’t inviting discussion that wouldn’t be better had there. Thanks!


I’m pretty sure most of us are still learning the platform, and the defederation is certainly adding to the list of things to figure out as a user. I’d rather people ask than just silently wonder. :)

While it’s not the easiest to sort through, the Instances list at the bottom of the page shows every instance we’re federated with and those that are blocked. This will always show what you do and don’t have access to through your Beehaw account (or through your account on another instance should you sign up elsewhere). Direct link if it’s easier: https://beehaw.org/instances

Yes, new instances usually automatically federate with everything. From what I’ve heard, there are “default” blocklists being maintained as far as what you might choose to block by default (so you don’t have to go through the growing pains yourself if you don’t want) or they could decide to whitelist instances which would then affect federation. And, as seen here, they can also defederate from any instance at any time if they feel the need.

If you’re running your own instance, of course, you’re the one calling the shots so you make those decisions and can federate with everything if that’s what you want.

This is exactly correct. Defederation means that information is no longer flowing between the two instances, so new posts and comments on either instance will not be visible to the other.

I highly recommend reviewing this post from Gaywallet: https://beehaw.org/post/107014. Specifically, the Spirit of Beehaw and What is (and isn’t) Beehaw. These sections go into what I paraphrased above at length, if you want the admin’s full thoughts.

The admins have taken a stance where this should be a safe space and those being insulted/harassed/discriminated against are welcome to respond in kind. The most important part is to report it so the mods/admins can review and take action as needed.

While it may not be nice to tell nazi punks to fuck off, it will ultimately make for a nicer community if they do - we don’t mind community members saying “hey, this isn’t cool” in whatever manner they feel necessary.

I’m in complete agreement. When I joined Beehaw, I didn’t think much of the lack of downvotes - “oh, cool, sounds good.” It’s definitely made it easier to want to interact with the community (as someone partial to lurking) and I’ve come to appreciate that they’re disabled on this instance. Glad to see others are in agreement.

Oh man, MLIA and FML were staples of my internet browsing once upon a time.

I do something similar - I’ve subscribed to a few communities now that have popped up at the top of my feed because I thought “oh, this looks cool”

Might be timing then, since it loaded for me immediately - you got the request going and then it was ready when I searched.

I know the Lemmy devs have a huge load of things to focus on with the current (unexpected) influx of users, but hopefully this is something they’ll work on improving somewhere down the line so it will be smoother or at least say it’s still searching so you don’t think it failed

I think the easiest way is to take the link for the post you want to interact with (so https://lemmy.ml/post/1181103) and put it in the search (the spyglass to the left of your username). I just tested it and this should pull up the post so you can interact with it on Beehaw.

Reminder that if you don’t see anything, give it a few minutes to pull the information and then try again. Instances we haven’t interacted with before can take a minute since the information needs to be pulled.

I think it’s just how the different instances interact. If you click the search icon (spyglass) to the left of your name and enter “!trees@sh.itjust.works” and click search, you should see this post and the community you’re looking for. Sometimes you have to search and then wait for the beehaw instance to pull the information in order for the community to show up, so give it a few minutes and try again if you search for a different community and don’t see anything.

For local, I’ve been using new and new comments personally. I’ve been browsing the way I used to browse Reddit though, which is a lot, and haven’t branched out much, so that may change.

Just letting you know I appreciate your question because the answers are going to help me out, too. Many of us are learning how to use Lemmy, there are no stupid questions.

This is correct. You would need to create a community on another instance that allows anyone to do so, as only admins can create new communities on Beehaw and they aren’t planning to add more at this time.

Hmm, they might be visible because you’re viewing it through your instance and someone on an instance with them enabled downvoted, but I can’t be sure. This would be a better question for Beehaw Support, or maybe even Lemmy support since I’m not sure we have an answer based on my current understanding.

This instance has downvotes turned off. My understanding is that since your account is from an instance that uses them, you can see and use the button, but it doesn’t affect Beehaw posts. I believe the intentions are usually good for why downvotes exist, as you’ve mentioned, but since people will use them to disagree or otherwise spread negativity (think how vote brigading happens on reddit) it’s disabled here altogether. Hope that helps!

Oh man, Clank Catacombs looks right up my alley. Thanks for the suggestions, I’ll have to keep these in mind the next time I add to my collection of board games.

My best friend and I used to play SubTerra when we hung out every weekend. Company that originally made it is sketchy for a number of reasons, but they’re also gone now and another company owns the games. It’s a tile based game where you are trying to escape a cave system with monsters in it and you create the board as you play. Each character has abilities to help this and there’s a turn limit you have to escape in. It can be really addicting.

I also really enjoy Campy Creatures and Space Park - they’re pretty simple games (same creators) that a great for a group of 3-5. Campy Creatures is a little bit like War, where each player gets a hand of monsters and the highest number wins. There are “people” cards laid out and winning lets you pick who you take, with the people having point values assigned (which is what ultimately determines the winner). Hopefully I explained it okay. Space Park is very different - the goal is to get 20 victory points, which are mostly earned by completing tasks. There are 6 “locations” you travel to which give you various resources to help you complete the tasks.

I also love playing Quiddler - it’s a fun word game, nothing super complex about it unless you play with people who make up words (we have a rule that half the table has to agree that it’s a word).

These come out a lot at my game nights, hopefully I did them justice with my descriptions.