

But even more so libertarian socialists

I’ve just using that label because it was just a guerenteed fight starter instead of clarifying anything

Last major Libertarian Socialist just got outed for having porn of a horse ----ing a child. If that doesn’t sum up the ideology IDK what does.

Libertarian Capitalists get hate correctly, others not so much.



If you hate jews - it’s nice to concentrate them in the limited area just in case. If you love them - it’s great that they live in the same land as 5000 years before.

Britain has been supporting the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” since 1917 (Balfour Declaration). Why after 107 years so many people want to play on the side of Ottoman imperialism and oppress indigenous jewish people?

If a few millions of alive jews was a real problem for the 460 millions of arabs (and 1.8 billion of muslims), the Final Solution to the Jewish Question would be already reached.

Ok, you don’t need much to hate brown people with strange religion, understandable. But it’s really hard to make proper genocide. Even the Germans killed only 6 millions of jews, I don’t believe that Hamas with its corruption will manage to kill even 1 million. So all remaining 9 millions will come to your country and will infinitely ask for help.

The best action would be to accommodate all the Palestinian people that want to come to your country. They will ramp up fertility, number of mosques and Allah possibly will not send you, infidels to hell.

The love for arabs shuld be productive. If the West help Hamas to make Palestine “From the river to the sea”, it will destroy the only democracy in the middle east. But if the West accommodates all faithful muslims, they’ll definitely forgive infidel’s sins and become liberals

Clowns. I never found them entertaining, but they just want to entertain kids and people at circuses.

Yeah. And only a minority of them are sex killers.

I mean 1 out of infinity is a minority, right?

But they’re so damned scary!!! I think it’s the expression/lack of expression. I don’t know, but definitely terrifying!!

I just don’t see how they’re scary I guess ¯⁠\⁠(⁠◉⁠‿⁠◉⁠)⁠/⁠¯


Male abuse/SA victims. It’s already not taken seriously enough when it happens to women, but when it happens to a guy they get put down even more and told to “man up”, sometimes even by people who’d support them if the sexes were swapped.

Even more so, it’s turned into a hot button topic where people will be actively pissed of at you if you try to bring it up in discussion, calling it a “dog whistle” for nazi / anti-women ideology.


I’m a female queer SA survivor if they ever try that bullshit on me lmao.

The Bard in Green

I’m a cishet white male feminist and proud ally… And it took me years to process my own sexual assault as an assault. I was supposed to be happy that it happened and I got to fuck a pretty girl, right? So my confusing feelings about it must have been stupid and out of place, even though I was drunk and having an emotional breakdown when it happened. Even later on, I considered it a “bad decision” until a woman I was with challenged me to reverse the genders. She said something like “Imagine I’m drunk, having an emotional breakdown, abandoned by my friends and end up at the apartment of a man I barely know because they left without me and no one made sure I got home OK. This man starts kissing me, undresses me, lays me in his bed, starts going down on me and then puts his penis in me… with NO protection or discussion. He never asks if I’m OK with it, never asks if I want to, he just does this to me. What just happened to me??” And I was like “Oh yeah! That IS what happened to me!”

But NOW I frame it as a way toxic masculinity / patriarchy is bad /harmful to men and when I frame it that way I get ZERO hate. Toxic masculinity told me I was supposed to want that to happen to me, supposed to brag about it to my friends, supposed to collect the memory as a notch on my belt. The patriarchy told me it was my right and privilege to have a woman fuck me and take care of me like that. Toxic masculinity also told HER her behaviour was OK, that OBVIOUSLY a man would be into it, that I was getting lucky and I should be happy and excited a hot girl like her would want to do that to me. I forgave her easily, because I’m SURE she didn’t process it as SA either… for the same bullshit cultural reasons.

Male SA survivors get hate because they they get pedestalized and used by MRA assholes as reasons to “bhut whut about…” at feminism. And THAT is unfortunately real. I don’t think people hate Male SA survivors, I think they hate MRA bullshit and with good reason.

Being one of those victims, it’s honestly worse than that. My (very former) best friend went on to marry and raise kids with the woman that he knew SA’d me.

MSG is an objectively good flavor.

I always hear this one, it really isn’t bad for you it seems

I learned the hatred/fear of MSG comes from white supremacists feeling threatened by Asian food, so they demonized what made it awesome.

I Cast Fist

The idea of using public transportation. It’s something for “them” (the poor), not for “me” (rich). Changes significantly from country to country, I suppose, but it’s a prevalent thought here.

I am by no means poor and I save a lot of money by not having a car, but the fact of the matter is that people give me rides more than I would like. Even in Portland, a city with relatively good transit for its size given that it’s in the US, most of the city is still quite inaccessible.

TBF considering how slow/unreliable and infrequent it tends to be, it’s hard to believe anyone would use it if they didn’t have other options. Even in my city (where buses run 30 minutes instead of every hour as is common elsewhere), it takes an hour and 15 minutes to get somewhere that’s a straight 15 minute freeway drive by car. And it’s worse in larger cities where buses are delayed by traffic such that you miss your transfer.

And it’s not like improvements like BRT or light rail will change it much considering how often they run in boulevards with 35mph speed limits and stop lights vs the 65mph grade separated freeways. Even a grade separated subway would be slower than driving unless it had spaced out stops, but then walking to said stops would take a lot of time (plus we couldn’t afford one, especially not one that actually serves the sprawl).

Under these conditions, it’s understandable to not even bother considering it as an option.

I noticed in the States that if its a bus, its a chariot for the poor. If its a train, its for everyone.



That certainly clears things up …

I Cast Fist

Brazil as a whole. Better?

Is that necessary to clear up though? It’s a perfectly fine anecdotal statement that doesn’t require exacts unless you’re just trying to argue they’re wrong. No one else is having problems responding with the information provided.

Idk at least in the US, riding a train is a nice experience. I liked it. But riding busses is often rather unpleasant. But I only have limited experience to only a portion of the US.

Public transportation is good. Sanitation on public transportation in America is bad.

I got very adept at touching nothing while riding a bumpy subway car in New York, but even that couldn’t always save me from the puddle of piss that ran like a heat seeking stream from the legs of the mentally ill.

Socialism/Communism/Anarchism. Barely anyone who actually understands them and the theory supporting them hates them, but tons of people have been fed Red Scare propaganda on the matter.

If only there wasn’t a wealthy, parasitic, world-dominating country which would violently overthrow (or at least try) any country which didn’t kowtow to capitalism, and the Parasite Class.

Well, those who most benefit from the status quo also understand those concepts quite well, but oppose them.

Historians studying them don’t hate, true, but we also don’t hate plague or dog shit on the road.

That’s a bit of a non-answer, isn’t it? I’m clearly referring to implementing leftist structures today, not historically.

Never tried for real, I see.

Why would one hate right ideas then, of the libertarian kind.

Read my other comment, it absolutely has been tried. If your point is that the relatively few historical examples are a sufficient sampling of data to determine that people sharing tools can never work, then I’m afraid you don’t understand numbers, nor historical analysis.

You can learn from what has and has not worked, and analyze structures. It’s possible! You just have to do it.

If your point is …

You know, of course, that the answer to that “if” is usually “no”, and this is called a strawman argument.

… then I’m afraid …

No reason to be afraid! Sing and dance and hug your family, friends and house animals.

… relatively few historical examples … people sharing tools …

People have been sharing tools since eating less fortunate breeds of people, the optimal architecture of that is the point of contention.

More dodging, great! What’s your point?

I’ve literally finished my comment with it.

Maybe because most real life examples of those systems haven’t worked out great.

Cuba, a poor blockaded small island nation, has a higher life expectancy than the global hegemon and richest nation ever

The USSR went from a monarchist backwater to a industrial society, defeating the nazis and sending the first satellite into space, in the span of 40 years.

China, under socialism, is now on track to shatter US hegemony through the power of socialist economic management and mutually beneficial cooperation.

yes, they have

Dr. Coomer

Name one that didn’t end with a dictator or mistreat/scare its citizens into submission.

the swamp maroons

I think most real-life examples have been plagued by corruption to the point that they fall into a different category altogether.

That goes for anything, every system ever made by humans. Even the first forms of democracy, including direct democracy, falls under this umbrella. After all in the theory-world, where everything is ideal, humans do behave good so communism (but any form of good government is possible, even anarchy or a good autocracy).

In the real world, though, humans behave like humans so you get corruption and weird power play. So even if you got a nice working system where every human support society, it will inevitably fail under corruption after the first generations of those who put in place such a system die; which is exactly what happens throughout history each time, even in Athens.

Tldr: theoretical perfect system cannot exist in practice since we are flawed creatures

I think we should learn from that. Maybe all forms of power solely resting within the governing function invites corruption.

I haven’t given up yet on it because capitalism is definitely not working right now but there is a form of communism that you can have an informed and rational fear of.

Generally, if you have a system where more powerful people are more influential, you invite yourself to corruption.

In Capitalism, this expresses itself in Capitalists buying politicians.

In Marxism-Leninism, this is expressed in the upper Soviets becoming more entrenched and corrupt.

The solution for Socialism is to make the upper rungs directly accountable to the masses. The solution for Capitalism is to abolish Capitalism.

The solution to corruption is to stop being human. There, I said it.

Nah, just make systems that are resistant to it and more accountable to the masses. Simple.

Like ancient Athens! It failed obviously.

Or like Ancient Rome! It failed, obviously.

Or like any modern democracy! It failed, obviously.

The problem is that “masses” are truly a reflection of their government and vice versa, more so in a democracy. You take for a given “the mass” takes good decisions but this, again, works only in the ideal world.

And if you think things are better than the past, think again: internet and social media spread so much crap and allowed people to talk too freely, so now you get Joe the Farmer believing he is some sort of genius cause he knows that there is big plot and the corps are covering it up; you get Dalila the economist believe she knows anything about software development; you get Dario the cheese eater believe he is a medievalist just because he read (and ate) “the cheese and the worms”. And all of this people wouldn’t give shit about the “so-called” experts, cause they studied it on so they must know better than the college-cuck

Historical examples, like Revolutionary Catalonia for Anarchism, and the USSR, Cuba, Maoist China, Vietnam, etc. for Marxism-Leninism, absolutely count as Socialist and should be learned from, both the good and bad.

If you dismiss them as “not real Socialism,” you fail to learn from what did work in those instances, like literacy rates and life expectancy skyrocketing. If you dismiss the bad, you make the equal mistake of not accounting for the flaws in systems like Soviet Democracy, which resulted in a corrupt Politburo with outsized power.

Study them in detail and find what to take and what to leave behind.

communism is a classless stateless moneyless society. is that how you’d describe any of those societies? i wouldn’t. because it’s not true. but there are certainly anarchist and communist societies that have existed.


Possums. They are immune to rabies and eat disease-spreading ticks. Salute your local possum


Australian possums in NZ destroy the ecosystem. North American possums in North America are cool though


Both are correct.

But one is ambiguous.

U mean o-mbiguous hehe

Satanists get persecuted a lot; although, they do a lot to protect religious freedom.

It’s important to note that when you hear a story about Satanists using freedom of religion to install a statue of baphomet in a public space, or citing religious freedom acts to protect safe access to abortion, you’re hearing about the Satanic Temple. When you hear about Satanists practicing “chaos magick” or talking about how liking blue cheese means you’re gay, you’re hearing about the Church of Satan. Here’s a handy reference from TST:

Oh man I didn’t know they didn’t believe in an actual Satan!

I really should get around to setting up a recurrent donation to TST at some point. Especially with the recent stuff they’ve done to oppose fundamentalist religions being given special privileges in state government and education, they deserve more ongoing funding.

And most of them are just trolling-atheists/agnostics.


most satanists are just cute in personality lol

Lucifer was kinda right ngl


Comic sans.

It is literally a font. Sometimes when some corporate partner is annoying me I will pdf lock a document, with a signature, to them in comic sans.

It’s also supposed to be an accessible/helpful font for dyslexics.

That’s a happy accident not an intentional feature of the font. I think modern fonts that specifically target dyslexia are preferred, I’ve heard good stuff about

Ugly-ass Nancy and Sluggo looking shit, what are you, five? Take that comic sans tf out of here.

His point demonstrated.

My soup. So ehat i

Head cheese

Ambrosia salad

Living in apartments.

In a lot of cities and towns living in apartments is seen as something that young adults who are renting short term do, and definitely not families or older couples.

Living in an apartment is considerably cheaper for my situation. I drive so much less, I pay for less power, and I have all this parkland around me.

I’m a car guy and I don’t have a garage, that’s annoying, but I commute by escooter now and drive on the weekends. It’s much better.

Gnome Kat

trans people

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