• 5 Posts
Joined 5Y ago
Cake day: May 15, 2019


Yeah, I bought my first laptop, a Thinkpad T43, in 2005. It had something like 512MB-1GB of RAM, a Pentium M processor, and 156 GB of HDD (not SDD). Very good for the time, but there are Raspberry Pi’s with better specs these days.

I tried the hybrid that works under UEFI and legacy BIOS. It didn’t work on at least one system. Did you try UEFI only?

Nah, let’s be honest, this is so that parents can make sure precious little Bobby doesn’t catch The Gay. LGBT themed cinema is going to let you know, this is for making sure there isn’t a trace of homosexuality to darken Bobby’s pure little heart.

For so many artists, they’ll have a single hit that survived the test of time and most that didn’t. We hear the one song that not only topped the charts but continued to be remembered. I tried going back to the top 100 songs of the 50’s. Some of them are good (Hound Dog), but others frankly just aren’t very good. Contrast that with the modern day, I had a neighbor growing up who is a professional singer who has better original songs.

Then you just get the factor of time itself. Old includes all surviving music before the present day. When you have centuries of music (if not more),

It has outputs through USB-A, USB-C, AC, and DC-vehicle (whatever it’s called). I think the AC inverter was off, though I had been using it earlier. I was definitely charging fully through the USB-C output. Good point, though.

Remember the Oklahoma City bombing? My uncle is a retired lawyer in OKC, so he was in that building frequently when it was still standing. If memory serves, it still blew out the windows in his office.

You would think, but we went directly to bed with as many blankets and coats as we could find. Just plug it in and let it charge. The phone has a maximum power draw of maybe 20W when speed charging. Not exactly boiling water.

That’s the thing, it wasn’t. It’s an Ecoflow Delta Power Station, We tested boiling 1.5 liters of water off it and it used 15% of the capacity. Meanwhile, charging the phone overnight drained 30%.

It was slightly above freezing in the house, so definitely not operating at peak efficiency. From a brief search, it looks like sodium-ion does have a similar temperature sensitivity, though it may be to a different degree.

I’m curious what the temperature resiliency is for sodium-ion batteries. I had a power outage recently where I was relying on a lithium-ion battery. As the temperature in the house plunged, it because so inefficient that charging a single phone overnight drained a quarter of the battery.

It’s the same with many infrastructure problems. You hear about some interesting infrastructure project that’s going to transform regional travel, improve transit, make biking/walking safer, or prepare for future natural disasters. Then it takes forever for them to go into place because it takes a long time to plan, do the legal work, and build. But then the infrastructure goes into place and no one thinks twice about the long process behind it.

socialist states are “authoritarian” against capitalist interests

The problem with this claim is that the USSR was quite authoritarian towards everyone. The Gulags were a place merely of political repression. Political jokes that are part and parcel of American late night comedy shows would get people harsh labor sentences during certain periods. The claim that this had to happen to protect the working class seems thin.

Oh yeah, I’ve been meaning to give Yerba mate a try. I’ve been staying away from green tea for the most part because apparently it’s pretty bad about tooth stains.

I combine it with a light alarm. I have smart lights that I have hooked up to an automation. The automation turns off the lights, sets an alarm for 25 minutes, and turns the lights back on at 24 minutes. That gives me a bit more of a slide into wakefulness.

I’ve also taken to drinking tea throughout the day for a steady drip of caffeine. In the morning I brew up a big pot, then stick it in an insulated carafe to stay hot for the day. I’ve found it’s easier on my body than coffee.

On the plus side, I have a pretty bangin’ signature. On the minus side, they wasted a good chunk of lesson time teaching a useless script. Fortunately it was on the way out already, so I was never really required to use it even in school.

Yeah, I have it for personal photos that will never be shared. If I am traveling, I want a record of where a given photo was. But those aren’t photos I am sharing, and the ones I do share get their metadata stripped.

For the Associated Press, 2,300 arrests.

The numbers I’m seeing for Hong Kong are in excess of 10,000 in connection with the protests, but those protests lasted for a lot longer (20 months) and were much larger. Millions marched, representing a large portion of the population. The video specifically selected a semi-arbitrary time frame of several months. I guess the idea is to select a slice of the time frame of the Hong Kong protests that produced 2,300 arrests?

The protests in the US just haven’t been comparable in size or length. And there is where the comparison is going to be awkward. These sorts of protests have a history of burning themselves out fairly quickly in the US. I remember Occupy Wall Street and its spin offs lasted a few months, made its mark, but kind of fizzled. The BLM/George Floyd protests of 2020 had the same thing happen. Not that Occupy or BLM themselves died, but the clashes that were driving arrests ended. So in the end, I’m not really sure what the comparison with Hong Kong was supposed to show.

pipx is also a good way to install a virtualenv and link up any executables that the package exposes.

Edit: So installation would be:

pipx install awktutorial

And it would automatically make the executable available to the user as long as pipx’s bin directory is in the user’s PATH.

I’m pretty sure Microsoft can tell them to fuck off. Maybe they pay millions, but even then MS has to weigh the possibility of bad press and lawsuits against a relatively paltry sum. The larger problem will be if someone finds a workaround or simply ignores the terms of service, I think. This article talked about the “United States Police Department,” but there is no such department. Law enforcement in the US is highly fragmented across the federal, state, and local levels. Any of them could just decide to break the terms of service.

I found it was useful for learning bits and pieces of the extra knowledge around working on a Linux system. Yeah, you’re not going to learn how a kernel works or how anything about data structures. But you will learn how to apply a patch, be exposed to a lot of work with the shell, and come to appreciate the work that goes into a modern distro.

There’s no level of package management, binary or source. There’s no practical way to uninstall or upgrade. It’s a toy for learning about Linux, which is great, but don’t expect it to have anything else.

Edit: I seem to remember some third party package managers, but then you’re going beyond the base level documentation. And at a certain point, then you might as well just use a distro. If you want to have a very minimal package manager so you can learn about package managers, sure, it’s a learning tool.

Sometimes I’ve seen it used legitimately when a service gets noticeably slower or more confusing over time as misfeatures keep getting added on. At the same time, I often see it just get applied when people don’t like change. It just the latest in a long string of phrases or words that mean “you made a change I don’t like.”

MRSA is typically easy to treat - that’s why about 75% of patients live

So 25% die even when under treatment? That seems high. A similar mortality rate is the untreated form of dengue fever, severe dengue. Am I totally off the mark?

That’s about what I was thinking, the self-perpetuating fame. The general population just doesn’t know the names of many psychologists, but they’ve heard of Freud and a handful of Freud’s ideas.

They want to kill their fathers and talk about Freud to their mothers?

I have one from 2015 that is literally falling apart, but it still works okay. I’m going to be sad when I have to finally give up on it. Unfortunately, it’s not great for repair. I was going to replace the keyboard because some keys are malfunctioning, but it requires basically pulling apart the whole computer including some parts that are taped on.

I’m unclear from the documentation, does pkexec work under non-GUI contexts?

Though a Rust clone of sudo that operates in the same way will still have the same problems.

Wait, why can’t I say fork?

My husband has a close friend who’s currently going through a rough patch. We know our Artax will pull through, but it’s going to be hard going for a while. Meanwhile my husband is trying to at least keep in touch.

I just heard an interesting fan theory, that the scene with Artax and the swamp represents being unable to help a friend or family member through depression. That for the friend it can be perplexing (move or you’ll die!), but it’s so hard to do anything for a depressed person in a slump.

Yeah, reviews are relatively easy to fake with current technology. They’re short and most of them follow a fairly limited set of formats. This isn’t like generating hands where there are a ton of ways for an AI to give itself away. Not that most humans are very good at drawing hands.

Maybe? Oftentimes there is a gap between aspirational headlines and how policies get implemented in practice. This definitely isn’t a case of the rank-and-file running everything, it’s much more limited.

Yup, this was probably anticipated. Throw some subsidies out there, but ensure that they have to include the full supply chain. Anything less leaves the US just as vulnerable as it was before.

Is it too much to ask for a car that doesn’t spy on me, is reasonably comfortable, is efficient, and maybe has a few extra “smart” features to help me not run into other people? I guess my bike will do for now.

I’ve seen judges let offenders off light on worse arguments. Unfortunately.

Not that it isn’t still junk food and horrible for you. HFCS might be a worse form of sugar, but in the end they’re still refined sugars. It’s worth noting that Mexico and the US have similar obesity rates. There are more factors than just beverages involved, but it is one.

Ukraine war: At least 30 killed in biggest Russian bombardment yet
Homes, a maternity hospital, a shopping center, and a metro station were hit as part of the attacks. The attack may have been linked to the destruction of a Russian landing ship in Crimea.

Rule on civility?
While the !worldnews@lemmy.ml community has always been a little feisty, the flood of Redditors has turned much of any contentious subject into pure mud slinging. Take the recent post "Ukraine war: Kyiv claims its first victories of counter-offensive". The discussion featured these insults: * cia and nafo freaks * I don’t think the person you’re responding to has the capacity to realize anything except their own delusions * hasn’t achieved reading comprehension * tankie * fascist * gargling Putin's cock * weasels * So I sincerely ask you to either become a better person or just stfu. * loonies * Russian dick train * willfully obtuse And that's just half of the page. Seems like it's time to have at least some basic civility rules in place before this community is nothing but personal attacks.