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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


For some reason this comment made it sound, to me, like you’re trading Pokémon cards XD

I mean, if oat milk is going to make you less healthy, why are we concerned about the water usage if it’s still a better alternative to cows milk on both counts?

There’s no industrial water usage in sticks I find when out walking. That doesn’t mean I’m going to put them in my cereal (intentional hyperbole to make the point).

Just look out that oat is a carb. If you’re having oat milk with cereal then you’re having carb with carb.

This is another straw on the camels back to svrewing up your sugar levels and potentially giving you diabetes.

I’m no super healthy guy, but a friend of mine had this issue where they were on the high glucose side due to their diet, this was one of the things they needed to cut out.

Almond milk I think was the better alternative.

I think you’d need to be renting it as a non-profit to not count. Under market value means you’re still making money for basically nothing right?

Just a note on this one. He may not have told his supervisor, at least where I live you don’t have to tell them why.

Isn’t the nuclear solution to this an electric car charged from a grid based on nuclear power plants?

Big one for me too. I notice a massive downturn in my mood when I haven’t managed to stick to my exercises.

Exercise = endorphins = happy

It’s works for me and makes sense that it is how our bodies have evolved to work.

So half a pound is 16 ounces.

Isn’t that a lot to travel around with? It’s been a while since I was around the stuff but I recall an eighth being an okay amount for a few spliffs. Maybe I was just a light weight…

I’m finding the different units in this comment really hard to follow!

What worked best for me was fitting eating around my weekly routine.

I have a standard 5 days work, 2 days weekend.

In general, the weekend is for fun so I applied that to food as well.

The week is for healthy eating. No snacks, bed early to be well rested. The weekend is for blowing off steam and eating treat foods.

For me, this meant that I reduced my cravings as I wasn’t eating unhealthily all week. By the time the weekend rolls around now I don’t want that unhealthy food that much. Note. It’s taken a while to get to this point but my weight has now been consistently low for over 2 years.

I think the main thing is whatever you find that works for you, it has to become something you can sustain.

That works from the aggressor, but the defender would often risk their lives to defend their home. Especially if the aggressor is likely to push a huge cultural value shift.

hoping to be promoted the next time there is a company reorg

Surely this is just ass kissers liking and commenting on the bosses weird ass linked in ego trip?

Is anyone liking and commenting peer’s linked in stuff thinking that’ll score them a promotion? Why would the company care about this?

I wonder if it’s calling communists ‘commies’ that some may take offense to.

To my ear, this is sort of a slur in that I’ve only really ever heard it when some army guy is shouting ‘god damn commies’ or the like.

Just a disclaimer, I don’t have particularly strong feelings for either a communist or capatalist structure. I think shitty people tend to gather power so most of us are just taken advantage of in either scenario.

I’m curious, what’s your concern with subscribing to both? I had the same thought when I switched and then thought “is this just a knee jerk reaction? I can’t think of a decent reason why it’s that annoying when they both appear in my subs feed anyway”

I’m interested to hear why others might not like it as that might be what I’m thinking without realising.

Hmm. I’d be concerned that the lack of regulation from medicines from the dark web would cause you to take something that makes me suffer even more.

To use a different analogy from the commonly used email one, think of each instance as a country.

You are in your country, but that doesn’t mean you can’t hear about stuff from other countries.

Sometimes though, a country does something bad and becomes embargoed by your country. If this happens you can’t hear about stuff from the country your country is embargoing.

By default you can hear about stuff from all countries (federation)

A country can become embargoed (defederation)

In each country, there are towns. And towns in different countries can have the same name. When you’re looking at all the countries together this means you might want to listen to London UK and London USA.

A town can be considered a community in Lemmy, which is a subreddit in Reddit.

I just made this up so there’s likely to be some flaw in the analogy but I think it helps give you a good sense.

Yeah this is fine if you have time to moderate a community or don’t care about it being moderated.

Was this more active than r/ski or r/skiing? Those ones rarely got in to my feed.

You should send the mods a mail to see if they have any Lemmy plans. It’s worth it just to know. Sometimes they don’t have a plan but they do know of a good alt community for you to try out

As you’re on lemmy.ml

This is something I think a lot of people trip up on. This community is hosted there but the user isn’t on that instane - so they would not be supported the instance they actually on… Unless I’ve missed something?

You should probably specify which country you’re referring to.

The government is also made up of different groups. Whilst one hand (security) may get more authoritarian, another hand (education) may encourage more liberal(?*) concepts, like knowing your source.

*I couldn’t think of the right word for this.

Who’s to say whose world view is “correct”. I’d say it’s more important to do as other commenters have said, encourage critical thinking and research.

The child is their own person, not an extension of the parent to be influenced.

I think the comparison is valid though. People want to know if Lemmy is a good alternative for them and you can only do that by comparing.

It doesn’t take away that Lemmy is it’s own thing.