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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


Yeah I’m anti IPv6 so I’m not going to ever use it personally. Ipv4 is enough for me

I don’t trust Proton. Avoid it at all costs, they’re expanding and want money. Your data is at risk!

Is it? Closed source means it’s probably listening and recording and selling

Forests are being chopped up for investment properties

Agreed. I’ve been blocking these accounts. People really do have brain rot. Absolutely stupid dumb fuck idiots. I hate them all

The Australian government voted on a motion to bring him home. He is a journalist who did nothing wrong.

We need life imprisonment for those who can be vaccinated, but refuse

Hong Kong is a part of China. Always was, always will be Chinese land. The British Empire had failed, they stole the land but under Chinese might they ran away.