A Reddit Refugee

current college student, permanent pirate, lover of all things mechanical and on wheels

moved here from lemmy.one because there are no active admins on that instance.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Dec 22, 2023


If its just for her, I don’t really care what content I host for family unless it straight up nazi/gay hate shit. New age “found christian” movies are massive yuck, but innocuous otherwise. She’s gonna consume them regardless of whether you host them or not.

Move it to its own library, make sure to rip in low quality (480p low bitrate) so you’re not spending too much disk space in her, and let it be. It’s not worth driving a rift in the family over.

Oh yeah?? Whhelll my installation of Autodesk Inventor can build a case for one SBC in… all of six weeks!!! Take that!

Yep, and the instant horde of Hexbear users brigading the comments section in their defense is patently obvious as to what’s going on. Astroturfs gonna astroturf.

Alright, let’s roll with that logic: A sovereign government that violates the sovereignty of it’s citizens is illegitimate. Since Ukraine is now violating the sovereignty of it’s citizens for wartime mobilization, it is an illegitimate government. That’s a sound premise, actually. In a vacuum this would be true.

However, that completely loses the nuance that Ukraine is not the aggressor in this “senseless war”. Ukraine did not violate it’s citizen’s sovereignty, RUSSIA DID by initiating the war of annexation against the sovereign government of Ukraine. By violating the sovereignty of the government, Russia thus violated the sovereignty of every citizen under that government. None of this would have been necessary had the initial aggression not been committed.
So, now extend your argument: Let’s go ahead and accuse Ukraine of violating human rights with this expansion of power. You must also do so for Russia, who backed Ukraine into this corner in the first place, and who is also committing infinitely worse violations against the civilian territory they have thus far annexed. Are you willing to do that? Because so far, you haven’t.

You seem to be echoing a large number of Russian propaganda points trying to paint Ukraine as some fascist shithole, and not the independent nation being overrun by a expansionist dictatorship that it is. This argument is not in good faith.

So explain, then, what point you’re making and what your alternative is? Your initial statement is intentionally vague and seems to have a very direct agenda to make Ukraine look bad by posting this article. And I didn’t claim Ukraine expanding its martial law powers was “right”, because its not, but it is at least understandable considering how their entire country is teetering on the edge of complete civil collapse (and such restrictions are with precedent, most nations do during wars and even America did restrict a lot of liberties during WWII/vietnam/etc). Sticking to your morals is valiant but pointless if it means you get overrun by those without morals.
But your vague statement seem to think this change makes them worse than Russia.

What do you mean by “western values Ukraine is defending”? This change doesnt really have anything to do with values, they’re running out of resources. And if you think Russia gives the tiniest shit about human and property rights… lol

The devices usually get some descriptor of what they look like…

For example I have:

  • Flatboard - an old core2duo era Xeon bare tower server board I got on Craigslist for $20 that lives on a custom backplate and no case (thus, is flat)
  • OrangeBox - an Orange Pi 5 in a aptly-colored orange case I custom modeled and 3d printed for it
  • DumbBrick - my retired gaming PC built from a t30 dell tower server that is basically a nondescript black brick


Essentially, arbitration waives your right to sue the company in any capacity and instead requires all legal disputes to be resolved by a 3rd party mediator hand picked by the company.
You can guess how often these arbitrators rule against the companies that pay them (Spoiler: it’s not often)
It’s used as a get-out-of-jail-free card for companies to basically have legal immunity from any kind of consequences, as all their customers must arbitrate and get told to suck eggs. Arbitration is legally binding and not appealable. It also conveniently keeps the corporate dirty laundry out of the court systems, because arbitration is private, confidential and closed-doors.

You can also watch one of Louis Rossmann’s latest rants about ToS changes and arbitration being forced down users’ throats suddenly without warning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AddtrV6UFFs

the arbitration terms are explicitly stated to be US only. unfortunately the US is not a country with a functioning legal system

well that’s no different than Discord already, so net zero change

running webapps in chrome or Electron containers simplifies a lot of development, i don’t like their resource requirements or dependency on Chromium, but I do understand needing to streamline development so devs can work on more important backend stuff.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/17618684 > Forced arbitration means any legal disputes you may have with Discord must be resolved through a single third party mediator, who 99% of the time is chosen by, and will rule in favor of, the corporation/Discord. This effectively removes *all your legal rights as a consumer,* because arbitration decisions are legally binding and non-appealable. > > The new ToS goes into effect **April 15th, 2024**. > > **YOU CAN OPT OUT OF ARBITRATION.** You must email arbitration-opt-out@discord.com **BEFORE MAY 15TH** (30 days after ToS effective date) with your username stating that you wish to opt out of the arbitration clause. Once May 15th passes you are bound to arbitration with Discord forever. > > ![](https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/pictrs/image/b7e93aed-909e-43ad-b77f-d6ca4fa0e47a.png) > > Opt-out before it's too late.

so this Revolt project is open source, which is nice, but still seems to rely on centralized servers. Does it use P2P for voice+video+fileshare so that the original devs aren’t on the hook for insane bandwidth requirements? I can’t see anything about their networking systems in the FAQ or info pages.

I may consider getting my friends to switch sooner or later if it’s more P2P based. But I don’t really want something that runs ALL traffic through central servers, because the bandwidth costs will inevitably just lead to the same situation that Discord is now in.

ideally such changes to advertising and the ToS arbitration clause removing consumer rights will help give a lot of the open-source communities a gentle push to get off of discord. It’s become far too central to too many communities and is impossible to search for knowledge.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/17618684 > Forced arbitration means any legal disputes you may have with Discord must be resolved through a single third party mediator, who 99% of the time is chosen by, and will rule in favor of, the corporation/Discord. This effectively removes *all your legal rights as a consumer,* because arbitration decisions are legally binding and non-appealable. > > The new ToS goes into effect **April 15th, 2024**. > > **YOU CAN OPT OUT OF ARBITRATION.** You must email arbitration-opt-out@discord.com **BEFORE MAY 15TH** (30 days after ToS effective date) with your username stating that you wish to opt out of the arbitration clause. Once May 15th passes you are bound to arbitration with Discord forever. > > ![](https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/pictrs/image/b7e93aed-909e-43ad-b77f-d6ca4fa0e47a.png) > > Opt-out before it's too late.

Sure, but you really expect that option to stay available for very long after 90% of users turn it off and ruin it’s profitability?

TeamSpeak has always been better tbh. For actual gaming voice chat discord actually sucks, it’s low bitrate and very high latency. It’s benefit was just easy coordination in larger servers without the need to constantly self-host and self-manage your own server like TS.

Enshittification Continues: Discord to begin showing advertisements on it’s free platform
cross-posted from: https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/17617609 > They supposedly can be disabled in settings- but we all know that won't last. They're going full Microsoft Skype mode and it's only a matter of time.

The preloaded spyware OS is half baked, horribly unfinished, and also locked to the hardware. You can work around it to install your own OS but they provide zero support and explicitly say it is not supposed to be allowed by ToS while intentionally making it as hard as possible by making the BIOS inaccessible and digitally signed to their own OS. Fuck that.

The crowdfunding fundraiser (where there are zero penalties if things are shipped broken, incomplete or not at all) is super fishy and the non-discount price is astronomical. While the hardware looks nice… Hard, hard pass right now, stinks of vendor lockin and illegal data vacuuming. Do not buy.

Source video: https://youtu.be/Y_MgY7wgII8

Lemmy naturally concentrates unconnected users with similar interests thanks to reddit-style communities. Mastodon follows the Twitter style where you have to find and follow individual users to get their microblog content, and its harder to isolate certain topics or interests except across the entire service via hashtags. Individual users on their own are very uninteresting and bland.
Lemmy has fewer users but they as a whole generate more active content than Mastodon does thanks to community specialization, since the Twitter style posts require some critical mass of users following to generate interesting discussion (something that basically never happens unless you’re already a celebrity)

NAT to extremes… it’s Starlink so I think I’m almost completely obfuscated from the internet entirely.

quite frankly i don’t really host anything that needs to be accessible from the general Internet so I never bothered with workarounds.

Ooh thanks. I’ll add that to my watch list once I finish finals…

Most of the old classics have been, tbh. Life moves on and corporations come for their piece of the pie.

yeah, if Rooster Teeth is providing the resources for it it’s gonna be nixed.

Absolutely. RWBY set the standard for quality when it came to nontraditionally produced shows online and really spawned a new era of independent media.

I know Rooster Teeth isn't perfectly game related per se, but their machinimas and miniseries using game assets were transformative for many of us in the gaming community I believe. So I think it fits. o7

oh no, I used to use a popular website until it fell apart and I left. That clearly invalidates my entire opinion.

edit: wow, your replies make it obvious you are way down the russian rabbit hole. I’d rather not. See ya.

Putin is so far past giving the tiniest shit about diplomacy that it will only ever be a stop gap. Crimea was responded to with a whole bunch of wishy washy “diplomatic solutions” and oh look, it happened again. This sort of fake-moderate response of diplomacy and restrain only feeds further into Putin’s war chest.

You cannot reason with empire-building dictators that ignore all such restraints. Russia is no longer a free country, frankly never has been, and should be treated harshly as the territory-hungry, human rights abusing, tyrannical neo-USSR that it is.

i got the random Dell SFF optiplex with 16gb of upgraded ram and a i5-4690 sitting at the girlfriend’s house because she’s the only one with an ISP that still allows public ip’s.
It runs Minecraft.

at home i have my old 9yo retired gaming desktop doing seedbox work and mostly just running BOINC to donate compute power to science… and also keep my feet warm lol

yeah. that’s it. i really don’t do shit even though i totally could.

me after 15 years of intermittent learning self hosting:

i have the one random office PC that runs minecraft

…yeah that’s it

A lot of people, myself included, got pissed off at the Pi Foundation during the chip shortage for exclusively shipping boards to business customers who vacuumed up every single one of them faster than any consumer could. You couldn’t shake a stick at any Pi for less than 3x MSRP from scalpers, which at that point, you’re literally better off grabbing a NUC. They showed their true colors and it left a bad taste in all our mouths, and I will never be buying another Pi.

Really the ARM hate just comes down to ecosystem support. A lot of the SBC’s from other Chinese suppliers have mid kernel/OS level support at best, and a limited range of compiled software. For a lot of purposes, going x86 simplifies setup and opens up the software realm so, so much.