TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)

Hi I’m Tim.

I’m AuDHD - officially diagnosed ADHD and self-diagnosed (for now) with ASD. I also suffer from a great deal of Imposter Syndrome.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 24, 2023


I’m not following your logic here. Not voting, or actually voting for Trump both work in his favor because his base is going to vote for him no matter what. You would only be hurting the side that wants us to continue to have future elections. But at the end of the day if you can look in the mirror and be ok with selling out democracy more power to ya.

It had votes/support from both sides. And giving away democracy because you’re upset about a social media site seems like a bad take. Imagine telling future generations you traded the country’s democracy because you were mad at them because they took away your short video sites.

Which is the same as a vote for a dictator. And that is super cool if you are looking forward to Project 2025, and selling out loved ones so they can be put in camps as political prisoners.

Orebolo - 3 guys playing acoustic perfection.

Goose - same 3 guys from Orebolo, but with the rest of the band, non-acoustic, and some good jams.

I think in this case “self host” would be on a VPS, not at home. But you definitely would want to lock it down so it was open to the public.

This article from back in October of '23 does not state that at all, and I never read her take the position of “Israel has the right to defend themselves”, but rather the opposite.

Earlier, she called the events of the weekend “devastating for all those seeking a lasting peace and respect for human rights in Israel and Palestine” and said, “I condemn Hamas’ attack in the strongest possible terms.”

But she also called for an “immediate ceasefire and de-escalation".™

Using that site and doing my instance to Lemmyworld , your site is listed under the working ones. I know spam has been on the rise again on big instances, so that could be playing a part in this also.

AOC has been calling for a cease fire and more aid since last year. She might not have used the word genocide until now, but it’s not like she has been cool with things up till now either.

You can change the default file manager. I’ve been using Nemo for years because Nautilus was pretty bad. Once I update I’ll have to re-evaluate and see what I think.

I think this being an election year in the US also makes the whole world more wacky. It will decide if the world gets one more dictator or not, and one that would have a massive military at his disposal.

500/500 but average 530+ both ways for $50/month. Up to 5 gigabit is available in my area.

EDIT - In the US the FCC just upped what is considered “broadband” to 100/20 , which still seems sad for upload, but at least moving in the right direction. It was an awful 25/3 before.

Isn’t the blue kind the gel stuff? The white is the “solid” kind.

I’m sorry to hear about your dog, but personally that list would have had me making the appointment already. Putting me in place of your dog, it’s what I wish someone would do for me. Having been there I know it’s one of the hardest calls to make, but it really is about quality of life and not wanting to wait “too long” and cause undo suffering to a non-vocal friend. 😢

Hopefully the next time he blacks out like that he isn’t behind the wheel of a car or something where he could be endangering the life of someone else. Something like this should allow medical staff to have his license temporarily suspended, just like people with a seizure condition until they can go a set amount of time on medication without a seizure.

I’m sure Canonical’s neverending death march towards Snap, along with the OS running outdated packages, is why Valve no longer uses Ubuntu for SteamOS development. The greatest April Fools was Ubuntu dropping Snaps because so many people were saying how they could go back to using Ubuntu again…then they noticed it was a joke and the sadness set in.