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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


I’ve never had a Twitter account and never felt the need for one, also haven’t been missing out on that junk. I’ve read lots of tweets, on occasions when I was offered a twitter link for whatever, but just never felt like I needed to join up at all. Just seems like a waste of time to get on social media where all the posts are just small bits of opinionated content without much depth.

Streaming in general is great. Streaming services are a mixed bag of results, but overall our options are excellent at this point in time. You can have streaming services with no contract, pay for one month and abandon it if you don’t like it. There are also numerous FREE streaming services with lots of great content.

It’s important to understand the above in the context of how it used to be before Streaming was an option. There was basically only the option to have a cable or satellite TV on contract, or use OTA antenna TV, or watch everything on disc / tape. So yeah I think streaming is great.

Having said all that, I buy anything I want to keep perpetually on disc. 4k Blu-ray for movies and CDs for music (I bought 3 albums on CD over the last couple weeks). Games don’t fit on discs anymore so I try to get stuff on GOG when it works out.

Oh wow, I provided literally what I said I would provide, and all you can do is complain like a brat? Go find your own shit, I have already wasted enough time attempting to help you.

Long story short, there’s plenty of evidence out there and you will never look for it. Anything that I send as a reply will not be good enough, because you already have chosen what you want to believe about it.

Here’s the full hearing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1xEuK0Fxu8

There are also many articles across tech sites on the internet that you can find evidence of how the TikTok app is a data mining monster. If you haven’t read any about it yet, it’s probably just because you don’t want to hear it. It’s certainly not because the evidence is not out there, as there is a shitload of it.

Fuck all the algorithms, I don’t need any of that bullshit.

Mine tried to get me to plug in a monitoring device into our cars’ OBD-II ports after we signed up. I said Hell Naw and returned them shits to the sender. They said my rates would go up if I didn’t use it and they didn’t really change.

Next car I get will have to be neutered of such spyware, since they’re apparently building it all in now. Current car just had a box I unplugged to disable the 3G cellular network connectivity and the car works just fine without it.

You could put neurons in a box and wire it up, and implant a partial personality into it and call it a Magi

Yes, that’s how it works with people who have families. They usually want to see their new relative.

You would only lose contact with the people who didn’t care enough to keep in touch. That’s a win-win situation.

Still not a good enough reason to reduce the privacy and freedom of any citizen. I don’t care if the mob uses cash, let the police track the serial numbers of their cash if they catch them doing crimes or whatever. The mob isn’t my problem, but losing freedom is bad for every citizen.

There’s also the potential that raising concerns of Chinese spyware raises more concern of the rest of it. They should continue raising those concerns about them all. And ban all the spyware.

Most cameras that can support RTSP streaming can be used for self-hosting, then you just need a good video recording / storage system. I used a mix of 3 different types of cameras, streaming RTSP to be recorded by Zoneminder.

You can research the different NVR / recording systems to find what suits you.

I’m helping people out by letting them know that their doomerism is an ingredient in their own failure. When all you can imagine is your own failure, you will most likely achieve what you believe in.

When you open your mind to realize that the possibilities are endless, you can see solutions that you ignored out of pessimism and begin to adapt in the ways that allow you to overcome adversity. Even the smallest microcosm of any ecosystem has infinite possibilities within it. On the macro scale of human life, these possibilities are only limited by the imagination and will of the human animal. So when you assume everything is going to shit and you’ll never win, you already failed by crippling your own imagination.

Sure, just change the words in what I said and it will mean something different. Let’s change your words around too.

Nope, it’s a simple statement of contentment that points out the reality that success and contentment are achievable in modern America, written as a counterpoint to all the immature doomerism about the status quo.

I have a great life in America personally, no desire to move. That’s why I don’t.

I can do whatever I want every day, and life is very affordable for me, and I enjoy living where I live.

Probably just your brain being creative and trying to make up stuff to entertain itself. I wouldn’t worry about auditory hallucinations unless they happen to you in times of silence. Like if it was dead silent and you hear Captain Hook talking but he’s not there, that’s a problem.

Hell if I know, I don’t even know what all it can do. There are probably dozens of things it can do that all kinds of laptops can’t do though.

I don’t use 3D modeling for my work but I can see how a 3D stereoscopic display could be highly useful for scientific research, as those have been part of the high end Nvidia Quadro GPU feature set intended for scientific research for many years already. Those would be coupled with a 3D monitor, and that kit of 3D monitor and Quadro GPU probably already cost more than the Apple Vision does.

Basically I assume it can do all the 3D VR and AR stuff that laptops can’t do in general. Whoever needs that for their office work might buy it, but I don’t need one.

Why in the world do you think this is supposed to be a mobile product? Just because it can run on a battery doesn’t mean they intend for consumers to wear it around town.

My impression is that it’s for use in the home and/or office. I wouldn’t walk around town with anything worth thousands of dollars out on display and I think most people are similarly minded.

Sounds like you don’t know much about the VR market in general. It is actually a popular segment of technology that has been growing and improving for decades.

It’s not going away, and Apple may have the next level of the technology already on the market. IDK but I’m not buying one. I already have 2 other VR headsets that do all that I need. I play VR games on my Index system about 5 times per week. It has superseded my interest in almost all 2D games.

I also know several other people from young to middle aged who have VR systems and we all quite enjoy being able to make use of the tech.

So there’s articles now about her calling them both Chinese and Russian agents for protesting. Nice job, grandma.

Have you seen this code though? Every time I hear a statement like that, I have to wonder if you’re all just taking their word for it.

I don’t take their word for it, unless they show me that code and prove that it is the code running on all the devices in use.

Or maybe chat history just isn’t that important overall. I can do backups just fine on android but have only used that once. I wouldn’t be too concerned if I lost all of my chats, as I’ve already read them.

The core security and privacy features are what’s most important. I’d prefer they keep those as the top priority.

People should use Signal instead. I don’t care if anybody doesn’t like it, it’s what I use and if you want to talk to me you’ll fuckin’ use it.

Never installing any Facebook garbage apps.

I’m just here to say that I’ve never heard any of the negative claims that OP makes from anyone else before.

What I have seen and heard is that the RPi foundation doing a lot of good by providing low cost computers for educational use and anyone else who wants a good, small, and cheap computer.

As a white dude in a “white country” I have definitely experienced racism. It’s easy to find if you just go into a majority-minority area and interact with the locals.

For example when I was broke and desperately in need of employment, I walked into the local Pizza Hut where they had a Help Wanted sign up. The entire staff of that restaurant were black, and when I asked about the job they just laughed at me and told me they weren’t hiring.

Another example from the same town, when I was working my shitty job doing deliveries, riding with a couple of black co-workers. We got along fine, but after we came back to the office at the end of they day they were arguing with our boss and one commented to the other (in front of me and the boss) “See, that’s why you don’t EVER trust white people!”

But if you never venture into any minority majority areas you may never experience that.