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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


It’s absolutely not. If you are at any kind of scale whatsoever, your yearly spend will be a minimum of 2x at a cloud provider rather then creating and operating the same system locally including all the employees, contracts, etc.

I’m not sure how effective that Colleges approach was, did they at least try mobilizing the Irish National Guard, or sending in the Police for mass arrests?

Full tunnel using routing wouldn’t work but many full tunnel implementations use a shim where once the Tunnel is connected, the system route table isn’t referenced anymore, so you can put as many static routes etc as you want, but all traffic will hit the VPN interface before routing is done. For example Cisco any connect removes route look-up from the TCP/IP stack of the local system.

This won’t mitigate this specific attack, however running your VPN as a full tunnel will.

Any vpn solution that uses a TCP/IP shim in full tunnel mode will ignore option 121 or any other routing options (static routes, etc). Most corporate VPNs like Global Protect/Cisco Any Connect, Appgate, etc will enforce full-tunnel. Any user who is using a VPN for privacy reasons should also use a full tunnel as well especially when connecting to an untrusted networks.

Jokes on you, I can actually already take a train from Chicago to Kalamazoo and enjoy a beer from Bell’s Brewery. It’s not a high-speed train to get there, but that can be upgraded if there was ever the desire to do so.

That sounds like socialism. I’m proposing a market based solution which as we all know is the only possible way that things can be done.

Did you know that before cars, people lived in rural america and that most of rural america was served by trains.

Sounds good. In the meantime I’ll be taking an electric train to a brewery that is currently a 2hr drive from me since I’m no longer slaving away so that MIC executives can build planes that don’t fly, for a war that isn’t going to happen.

Wrong: According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), motor vehicles produced about 22% of total U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2020, making them the most significant contributor to the country’s emissions.


Also you should probably note that the automotive industry is also contributing to world emissions.

All cars should cost 500k minimum and roads should stop being built, also cap all auto-industry salaries and annual shareholder payouts to 500k with the rest overflowing to the workers. Within 20years seeing a car in America will be rare, within 50years, we’ll have solved climate change.

I’m running windows and my nordvpn still works. So maybe this article shouldn’t even exist and the OP should lose all credibility when ti comes to anything technology related.

Why not an electric train? There is contiguous land between the two cities, and then you don’t have to carry your fuel with you or build giant batteries out of rare earth minerals, while risking run-away shorts that will surely endanger everyone on board, and ensure the cargo is lost.

Plus the distance is <300kms.

Great man theory? Drake no.
Great Woman Theory? Drake Yes.
Why yes I am a liberal, how did you know?

It’s circular, for sure. But Israel is no more a victim then the US or the MIC is. Benjamin knows exactly what he is doing and so does much of the rest of the Knesset, along with Schumer, Pelosi, Feinstein, Biden, Blinken and numerous others (current mental speculations aside, in their long political careers they absolutely knew what they were doing.)

Conflating Israel with being Jewish is anti-semitic. Do better.

Literally the definition of an edge case, but consider this, if you never had a car you would have never been in that situation to begin with.

Also breathalyzers. You can be compelled to give blood/breath/etc in the course of a criminal investigation and there are no constitutional protections covering you.

Where is the ctrl+alt+del function defined? I just want to see what made that sequence work. I’d also be interested in where ctrl+break is defined.

You get rid of cars and you stop designing society to accommodate the one edge case where someone lives 100miles away from a city that they have to commute by car to everyday for some reason.

They been that way since probably vietnam, but the MIC exists to transfer public funds to private executives, not to build effective armed forces.

Using historical factoids to shield modern Nazi states from criticism is probably the most intellectually bankrupt thing you can do. Fuck off Nazi.

What if I look at the theocratic ethno state that exists right now and listen to their leaders openly discuss how they must secure the existence of their people and a future for their jewish children by committing genocide? Cause the seems pretty nazi-like to me.

Can’t wait to hear your amazing logic about how nazism and zionism are incompatible.

When my calculator app in windows is suspended, but has locked 29 threads and is using 60megs of ram. Not that those two values are significant, but why is my caluclator-app “suspended” when I closed it a few days ago since the last time I used it? Shouldn’t it just be closed and not showing up at all.

Sure. I do too, but whatever Nestle subsidiary that operates in South Africa, can only be regulated by the South African government. There is no other option today. Not as long as Capitalism is the assumed world economic system.

Yes, and since modern capitalist companies are transnational, what should be done? If you are blaming nestle you are correct, but Nestle’s actions within South Africa are outside the scope of America’s laws.

Do you want America to enforce regulations upon sovereign nations because they can’t do it themselves? What are you asking for here?

I now want you to go on Facebook, scroll down, and see how quickly you hit an advertisement.

Nah, I stopped using facebook after college and I don’t really associate with people who do use facebook (or Ig, or any others.)

Don’t noble savage this shit. Most of those countries have functional governments that manage to regulate a lot of stuff, the article isn’t about lack of enforcement. It’s about lack of regulation period. While the WTO does help enforce the neo-liberal order, they aren’t the ones that are doing this. Nestle-LLC incorporated in South Africa is using “too much” sugar in their formula. This is a problem that is wholly within South Africa’s ability to solve.

Corporation ignores guidelines in pursuit of profit. News at 11.

Corporations will not ever self-regulate. If the “global south” can’t even govern their food suppliers at the inadequate and shitty level the US does, then what else can be said? This is a problem that is directly within those governments ability to solve, but they still won’t even do that.

Unsolvable problems with the Nestle Corporation - They Exist and their executives weren’t guillotined in the 50’s.

Solvable problem with the Nestle Corporation - They are legally allowed to sell products within the sovereign countries of the global south while complying with all local laws and regulations.

If only something could be done…

Having an inherent risk attached to whenever you create bullshit seems perfectly fine to me. It’s not like any social media personality is accidentally doing what they are doing.

Meanwhile the Green party literally shutting down nuclear reactors for more coal and gas plants, and of course the debacle of tearing down windmills to do open pit coal mining.