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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Dec 05, 2023


you depend on the wind blowing.

For achieving maximum speed, sure. To simply guarantee you get there? Not at all - the Iberians knew how to navigate solely on maritime currents 500 years ago.

If sails were that great we would still be using them for freight, we didn’t switch to petroleum for the fun of it.

We started using pretroleum because capitalism requires infinite growth as fast as you can muster it. Particularly with modern refrigeration techniques and automation, time insensitive navigation for transport could easily be done with sails.

You took the worst possible path to calculate all of this. Just compare energy to energy, that’s the whole point of Watts.

Could you imagine a world in which both products catch on? I shudder just to think about it

I didn’t mean to imply a relation between YHWH and Assyria, but rather link the Assyrian culture of appending god names to important figures’ names and the Canaanite culture of appending “-el” to indicate allegiance.

The early Abrahamic and general Canaanite religions are super interesting, I absolutely recommend reading on them. Now, considering I’m neither a historian nor a linguistics expert, take anything I say with a grain of salt.
From my understanding and memory on the subject, “El” was used as the noun “god”, as the name of the Canaanite chief god, who would later be usurped by YHWH, and as a title of sorts, meant to indicate gods and important people supposedly affiliated with the pantheon chieftain. I believe the latter is related to the older Assyrian culture, it certainly follows the same pattern. The first and second cases weren’t widely concurrent, however - there is a clear trace telling us the original pantheon leader lost influence over time before being relegated to “just another god” and finally getting absorbed into the figure of YHWH, a bit like how Odinn slowly faded into the background of Nordic religion as Thor became the figure you’d pray to.

In short: both of your scenarios are right, but at different points in history (except they weren’t monotheistic at first).

Thanks for the tip, it does seem quite interesting. From what I could find locally, prices are all over the place, so I’ll spend some time reading spec sheets haha

I swear 25% of our user base is Linux SysAdmins.

That’s impossible, as it would mean 25% of our user base is also furry. Wait a second…

I remember we had a lot of fun with Benzene and Benzoates in university, but suspiciously I can’t remember details. Hmmm

At this point, I honestly expected it to have been moved to some European country… I mean, what site? Never heard of it.

The medieval monks literally made up an entire subspecies of humans with dog heads which they actually believed to be real!

Which is the problem with completely open ended language, which is always used in such bills so as to only apply to whoever they want to persecute.

The biggest thing I can think of is the veneration of and praying to saints.

Which, ironically, is a core part of Abrahamic religions which was abandoned by Protestantism. I.e. Catholicism didn’t add minor gods, Protestantism removed them.

Fun fact: the “-el” at the end of all angel names (except Lucifer and Satan, I guess) means “god”. Not as in “from god”, but as in “the god of-”.

Catholicism may be different enough to be considered a separate religion

I believe what you mean to say is that Protestant sects would be considered a separate religion, as Catholicism far predates other sects.

If anything Catholicism is much more traditionally Christian, as it’s the stablished status quo outside of the anglosphere.

Nah, they’d just have hitmen ready to kill anyone who leaves the prison.

capitalisationShouldAlsoBeIllegalUnlessYouUseCamelCase /s

Source: the fact they did and you can see loads of German immigrants arriving suspiciously close to the end of WW2. Same deal with the Brazilian South, loads of Germans from that time (some of which won’t even pretend they’re not Nazis. There was a recent arrest for a man flying Nazi flags).

Well, Skyrim is already 12 years old. Most people played it obsessively a long time ago. Of my 1000s of hours spent in Tamriel, only 100 or so were in the past year.

Ignoring digital releases of card games, which I’ve loved since I was a kid, it has to be Valheim. I would spend hours and hours making structures like castles and villages, with their own defense mechanisms against monster invasions. It’s a wonderful indie game, very pretty for only taking 1GB in storage.

There is literally zero space between the front and the street?

The opposite - there’s too much space, with buildings on both sides. Think a room as tall as the house in front of it, but with the street-facing wall removed.

Attics aren’t a thing around here, unfortunately. I could get a warehouse-styled convection fan, but the cost is a bit spooky when I don’t even know if it’ll work.

I’ve tried various configurations of fans pushing and pulling air, but none are much help. The internal geometry of this house is wonky.

They’re good for circulating air that has already entered a space, but not so good at getting the air there to begin with.

It’s an European style long, tall and thin house with wonky internal geometry. All windows face the street, parallel to the wind, at different heights. That’s what gives me the most trouble - getting any air flow to effectively make a C curve.

can you construct a vertical awning (if I can call it that) to catch the wind?

I thought about it, but it seems like it’d only make things worse by creating an even bigger region with stagnant air in front of the windows, unless I were to invade the street (which is highly illegal, for obvious reasons).

What are good ways to increase air flow in a home with few windows and oriented unfavorably to the local wind direction (cheaply)?
I've been racking my brain lately thinking of what are good methods to increase internal airflow in a house with few windows, all facing the wrong direction to catch wind. What are your ideas? Edit: Breaking a wall to make more windows isn't an option.

The most fucked up part is that, if I could, I’d happily take in some of that trash to repair and recirculate it, but corporations make that as difficult as possible so as to not hurt their profits.

For the US, the change would be minimal.

If you ignore the fact that it’d probably be cheaper to fly to Cuba to receive medical treatment than to pay for a hospital in the US, sure.

Mass medical tourism and the collapse of the corporativist medical industry in the US.

Great! Peace right before we all die to fucking climate change. That’s nice.

I can’t even smoke weed anymore

Good. That shit isn’t good for you.