• 1 Post
Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Jul 26, 2023


Have fun selling 8000 individual CPUs on eBay, so handling, storage, shipping… and even if that is for free it would only be 1/4 of what they paid. Not too mention that flooding the marked will mean the pieces goes down.

over 500 instances of Swedish police personnel leaking classified information. Gang members were briefed regarding ongoing investigations, upcoming raids, or competing gangs.

What the actual fuck. “Allowed themselves to be exploited” my ass, they are the problem and not just poor, exploited police.

At the current rate, that will never happen. 20’000 in 2 months. If they wanted to actually kill them intentionally in masses, they would have done so. The numbers, mind you those from Hamas itself, say otherwise.

Terry Pratchett: Why does Dodger scratch “Kaspar” in the carriage?
In "Dodger" by Terry Pratchett: Why does Dodger scratch "Kaspar" in the carriage of the embassy before setting everything on fire? There is no character I know with that name and if he just randomly picks a German(?) name, why should it remind anyone of him then?