• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


Hey, thanks for your offer! At the moment, it’s really not any work managing the server. I was holding off on the update, because of the captcha thing. Beehaw also hasn’t updated, which is where I’m most of the time. But yeah, the jerboa popup is a bit irritating :D

I’d love to keep it in mind though, if there’s a time where there’ll be a high influx of users, I’m sure I’ll need help with managing cache etc.

toChatHello :)

Hey, thanks for letting me know! Do you know if email confirmation works anywhere? The manual says to test email confirmation, we should try to reset the password. So I checked it on beehaw, it didn’t work there so I figured that it might just not work at all and let it be. If you know of an instance where it works, that would be great.

toChatHello :)

Okay I guess, I’ll have to start checking in here regularly :D Glad to hear you like it and no worries, I’m just happy that I can help out :)

Ja, das sind leider noch wichtige Bugs die behoben werden müssen. Ich denke die User müssen hier müssen sich einfach vorstellen wie es hier in Zukunft aussehen könnte und hoffen dass es so wird.

toChatHello :)

So welcome to you, I’m from Germany and my interests are programming and server administration, so naturally, I wanted to spin up a new instance. Enjoy your time here and if you have any questions, feel free to hit me up, especially about things concerning Lemmy federation.

Hello :)
It looks like maybe people are joining here, which is great! You can say hi here, if you want to :)

For me it’s also been 12 years and I feel the same way. I’m not exactly sad to see it go, in fact, I’m sort of happy they gave most of their users the momentum to move to something new. Using Lemmy wouldn’t be fun if was just empty, but I’m really happy how it’s all working out right now.

If you have your own instance, that is true. Otherwise, on a good instance, I’d assume the host has already taken care of linking all the communities. Especiall, because otherwise the posts won’t be aggregated.

I’m guessing that the reply you’re referring to, is from a person that has their account on lemmy.ca, and because of this, you were provided the link to their home instance. Of course this sort of thing is unintuitive, because now you’re on a different website that looks the same, but suddenly you’re not logged in anymore. People who don’t read too much into the details of Lemmy are now just confused why they are seemingly logged out and can’t log in anymore. On the other hand, you also want to reply to that comment still, so you’d have to manually find the comment in your home instance instead (or type the URL with your instances prefix).

Lemmy is still in its early stages, I’m sure there’ll be a lot of quality of life fixes soon, pretty sure they are flooded with bug reports and feature requests right now.

I guess it’s good to keep in mind, but are people having issues with drift on their sticks? I’ve been using my deck quite intensively and so far had no issues.

Honestly, I’ve been waiting on a replacement for a while. They made a lot of poor choices ever since they dumped the AMA mod. Then there’s also this thing about tencent owning a big part of Reddit…

Hello Newcomers
Hello! I don't actually expect anyone to join right now, since I haven't done any promotion. But in case you do, I'm setting up this new instance. You are welcome to create a new account and it would be great to have you! That being said, you might notice that the community list is fairly empty right now, even if you check "All". This is, because the federation doesn't work instantaneously, instead people have to manually go to a community by typing the URL (like https://mindshare.space/c/support@beehaw.org ). Only then does this instance start tracking activity from the community on another instance. The same goes for posts and comments! Old posts are only tracked when users interact with it (so some old post might not show up at first). Finally, I can't get the URL of some communities to work here. No idea why, but that's WIP. Either way, happy to have you here, enjoy your time (off Reddit :) ).
