I’ve never been sentimental about a social media site but it’s sad for me to see reddit so clearly killing itself. Pushshift is already banned and Apollo is soon to follow. Reddit will either pivot fully to a mainstream audience or die out. It’s just sad for me to see it doing it to itself.


I have pre-grieved


In a way, I mourned for reddit a long time ago. I stumbled (literally, stumbleUpon’d) reddit way back before the great Digg migration, when it was still mostly a haven for techies. The site went through a great many changes. Some good, some bad, some just… different.

At some point it got a little much. I’ve known for a number of years that I was growing increasingly alienated from it. Part of it was the Nazis and Reddit’s inability or unwillingness to deal with any of the hate and bots. Part of it was the pervasive meme / low effort image culture. Those things were always there, but there was a time it’d get you the stink eye and an annoyed upvote.

Besides Hackernews (which has always been full of a certain Silicon Valley type), there wasn’t really too many places to go. I’ve just been kinda waiting in the funeral parlor, hoping a ride to something else would come while I mostly browse the niche subreddits.

It’s my hope that this incident starts the seeds of old forum culture as expressed through multiple lemmys. That’s a pretty ambitious hope, but still. It’s well past the time for the big social media networks to break up.

I am absolutely going to miss RIF. That app provided such a clean filtered experience to the content I was interested in on Reddit for years.

yeah i’ve trolled my redit subs and recreated as many as i can here but there’s some there i know that the community will never move - not tech savvy don’t understand apis or llms.

so likely i’ll be read only for those but its still >90% less than i’m doing today with apollo


Reddit felt like one of the last decent places on the internet that wasn’t being completely taken over by ads or suggested content. Sure it was there, but I also knew that there were a lot of real people there too. When in doubt, anything you googled could have the word “reddit” added and get you an answer. It feels like all of the social tools we use to communicate with each other on the internet are rapidly deteriorating in favor of profits.


Reddit isn’t so much killing itself as rather being killed for money.

This is why I hate capitalism. It ruins everything, including the planet and the future.

Pity we can’t have a social media site that’s a public service!


Run by who, your friendly neighborhood local government?

No thank you. I think Lemmy is great. Hopefully it catches on sufficiently for niche communities to really develop.

The fact that it’s a teeny tiny bit more technical than reddit is a nice barrier against utter stupidity.


Governments are at least answerable to the people, or should be. Corporations are answerable to no one except their major stockholders.

As for the learning curve for Lemmy, I think that’s been overemphasized. People can learn. And at the same time feedback from the increasing number of users will help the devs to smooth out the rough edges, making Lemmy easier to use.

I remember when practically nobody knew what the internet was. Now everybody’s walking around with the internet in their pocket, using it all the time.


Going to miss Apollo ಥ_ಥ

Sploosh the Water

I don’t mourn Reddit, but I am sad that the it’s another example of the commoditization and corporatization of the modern internet.

Hopefully federated networks, P2P protocols, and FOSS software/frameworks are able to provide a robust and healthy web going forward into the future. The era of the free general internet is over, has probably been for a long time honestly. Now if massive companies want to stay afloat in that space, they will need to make huge profits. Everything as you are seeing nowadays, is being monetized and centralized.

Maybe this truly is late stage Capitalism and the collapse of it all is on the horizon, idk. But as long as I have an internet connection and things I am interested in doing on there, I will be trying to resist the corpos as long as I can.

Long live the free and open internet!

(PS, power to the users, and I can and do contribute to the products and services I use from these wonderful people in our communities <3)

I don’t mourn Reddit, I mourn the people and ideas I enjoyed engaging with through it. But, I’m glad people chose to find another way to engage (such as Lemmy) vs. staying in that toxic system. :)


Exactly. I’m definitely gonna miss some of the meme subs and topic-specific subreddits but honestly I’m not going to miss the platform itself or most of the content there.

I really should have moved on from it a while ago like I did with twitter tbh. Life is so much better with less social media, and when the stuff I engage with is genuinely more positive. I don’t have forever to live and don’t need to waste time in a toxic relationship of any kind, especially with reddit

Sploosh the Water

Same, the only social media that I’m interested in is the kind that is actually social. Communities that bring people together on their passions and interests. I’m done with mindless scrolling feeds and sites that make you miserable and convinced that everybody else’s life is awesome except yours.

I think, at a fundamental level the Reddit I am mourning isn’t Reddit as it exists now, but perhaps how I imagine it did ten or so years ago, the so called “Early Days”. We’re all here now because Reddit at is now is unsustainable and actively hostile against it’s users. The contradiction between the need for monetization of the userbase and the userbases disgust at being monetized. This isn’t a recent occurrence but sometimes we need to get a bit of a kick to realize how bad its been, in retrospect.

I do know, as many fellow tech people do, whenever I have to look into a problem I haven’t encountered before, appending “Reddit” to the search often leads me closer to an answer. I will miss that, as it had become so well indexed. Lemmy isn’t there yet in terms of being indexed.


IDK…On one hand, we lose a repository of content and information. On the other hand, people will move to federated, non-megacorp-controlled/ran places like the Lemmy federation and safeguard our future. I’m personally excited if it means priming the pump for a mass migration to the Fediverse as a household name. However Reddit was the sole savior of enshittified Google Search since like 2017, and if it goes away that means Google Search will also stagnate heavily. People usually migrate from proprietary service 1 to proprietary service 2 so I really really hope people keep flocking to Lemmy despite the excessive load concerns. lemmy.ml and beehaw should close registrations at some point to distribute the load more evenly though


I’m definitely going to miss using Apollo, as well as the subreddits I frequented. What I won’t miss are the subs dedicated to misinformation and intolerance that have been allowed to fester for way too long. I have high hopes that Beehaw will do a good job at keeping that crap out.


I think what I’m most sad about is losing easily searchable information. Finding an obsscure thread about some weird question I had is great. Maybe that will be preserved somehow. Idk. That and the more unhinged reddit posts and copypastas throughout history.


We’ll have to start archiving and migrating

Shame about those two broken arms…


How long until we get the first Lemmy poop knife-level story?

Well, there’s no TIFU or AMA here, so…maybe a week after that happens?

PS - What’s a potato?


And the lemmy equivalent of the jumper cable guy. Or the ol’ switcharoo. Makes me sad to think of all the stuff that we are losing but there will be some interesting new legends, no doubt


Oh…oh no.

Ohhhhh yeaaaahhhh!

But in all seriousness…definitely oh no…


I’m going to miss it for sure. I keep finding myself starting to go to reddit when I’m bored. Its going to take some time to get used to the nuances of Lemmy.

I am beginning to mourn what reddit was. Not what it is or what it is going to turn into.

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