No Trace Project
No trace, no case. A collection of tools to help anarchists and other rebels understand the capabilities of their enemies, undermine surveillance efforts, and ultimately act without getting caught.

I’ve just been clued into this and I’d like to know if anyone can give me an idea of the quality of the information contained therein. Thanks in advance–I hope you’re well today!

Hi! We’re the No Trace Project (you can verify this by sending us an email, address is in our website’s footer). Regarding the quality of the information we provide, we wanted to clarify that different sections of our website are subject to different editorial processes. In particular, our Resources are by design a collection of things written by many different people with sometimes differing viewpoints on security issues; while we do check their overall accuracy, we don’t necessarily fully vouch for their contents. Our Threat Library, on the other hand, is written by us and we strive to make it comprehensive and accurate — with the caveat that we often have to exercise editorial judgment when evaluating sources used for case studies as we don’t have the means to fully verify their authenticity. We are in the process of writing an editorial policy to clarify all of this. Feel free to contact us here or by email if needed.

I have seen the project shared in other spaces before. The case studies from different countries and the multilingual resources are quite useful. Just consult multiple other resources on a given subject if you can.

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